Ray-L – “9ine To 5ive”

If you’re Ray-L right now, you gotta be STOKED about how this video & single have come out. You will be too.
Not only has the man found a wild hook, rhythm & flow to set it off on the mic and shift the stress of the entire work-week into party mode on “9ine To 5ive” – but this video directed by The Dark Brothers and produced by Bolwat is straight-up ILL y’all – it’s phenomenally well-edited and cut to fit the vibe perfectly. The work has definitely been put in…it’s even got pro-choreography comin’ at ya onscreen via Mekhi Stylez of MSMovement as well…the entire journey through this video is all killer no filler…booty’s poppin, club-hoppin’ – it’s all there for ya – have a look/listen for yourself and check out Ray-L’s new cut “9ine To 5ive” below!
Find out more about Ray-L at his official page at Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/504robocop
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