RAM6 & DJ Special-Jay – “Follow Your Heart”

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About three years ago, following heart surgery, young artist DJ Special-Jay found himself with a new lease on life and inspired to say thanks to all those that were supporting him through the toughest experience he’d ever gone through. Creating “Follow Your Heart” in collaboration with RAM6, DJ Special-Jay was able to express his gratitude to the hospital workers who assisted him in his recovery back to health via one massive Electro jam designed to put smiles on faces and add some genuine bounce & energy to everyone’s day. Composed with professional precision and containing bright bursts of wild & vibrant sound that could quickly turn good times into great ones – there’s no doubt that what you’ll hear on “Follow Your Heart” is what pure passion & excitement is built out of. DJ Special-Jay’s zest for life itself comes shining through radiantly in the stunning selection of sound and relentlessly dance-inducing vibes of this collaborative single with RAM6 – have a listen for yourself and be ready to turn this tune right UP to the rafters where it belongs and kick that party, or your day, into the next-level it deserves.
Find more music by RAM6 at the official Spotify page here: https://open.spotify.com/artist/5Ofb5xRIUszJdtHNPJTAXV
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