Phantom Phunk – “Memory’s A Ghost”

Phantom Phunk – “Memory’s A Ghost” – Single Review
Bon voyage Phantom Phunk & merry travels to ya! They’re heading out a tour through the South East of the good ol’ USA over these next couple weeks – so heads UP – they might be playing your town next! I’m not usually one for putting a whole bunch of technical details into these reviews & all…but since the Phantom Phunk train is literally about to pull out of the station within mere days here, I’ll post up the schedule so that you can properly prepare yourselves and get out into the crowd where you belong!
You can find Phantom Phunk playing these fine cities, states, and beer-providing establishments:
5/18 – St. Augustine, FL – Sarbez
5/22 – Louisville, KY – Tim Falkner Gallery
5/24 – Richmond, VA – On the Rox
5/25 – Columbia, SC – the Arts Bar
5/26 – Chapel Hill, NC – the Cave
5/28 – Greensboro, NC – the Blind Tiger
5/29 – Greenville, SC – Radio Room
5/30 – Charleston, SC – the Tin Roof
5/31 – Wilmington, NC – the Whiskey
Here’s what I can tell ya…if you’re gonna label your band Phantom Phunk, you gotta have that bass right? Believe me, you’re gonna get that here. I’ll admit, we’re probably more towards the Pop terrain than the Phunk one overall here in the vibe of this new single “Memory’s A Ghost” – but if this band wants to keep on layin’ down sweet bass-lines like this, you can certainly count me in for a whole lot more of what this crew has goin’ on. “Memory’s A Ghost” is practically the definition of ‘single-worthy.’
As far as I’m concerned, there’s nothing not to like or love here – this single is built upon hook-after-hook-after-hook and never relents on its infectiously uplifting attitude, aura, and atmosphere. I’m all about it! “Memory’s A Ghost” flexes tremendous skill & craft from every pore of your speakers – the lead vocals are completely charismatic and loaded with personality that’ll pull you right in for sure, but let’s also be 100% honest – you’re likely to find just as much character in the music alongside the singing in Phantom Phunk. Nice problem to have right? This band is stuffed full of talent – that becomes abundantly clear right from the drop, but will continue to reveal itself even more as the song plays on. Drums are rock-solid, the guitars do their thang, the background vocals & organ/keys add a warm glow into the mix…each of the main parts, verse & chorus, are pretty much bulletproof…performances are on the mark, so is the production…the lead vocals and bass-lines continually do their best to steal the show but you gotta admire just how well the rest of the crew is keeping up to that standard & supporting those key elements along the distance through the catchy rhythm & grooves of “Memory’s A Ghost.”
So in short, people ain’t just gonna like this tune, they’re gonna love it. The universally appealing & uplifting vibes here are supremely strong…”Memory’s A Ghost” makes you wanna get out the beach blanket & forget the office even exists permanently. Because even with all the skills they clearly have, Phantom Phunk has still done ONE MORE thing to make sure they make an impact on ya – and that’s having some serious fun. It’s thanks to that genuinely authentic enthusiasm you hear radiating in the passion & joy that that play with, that everything they’ve created completely hits the mark here. When a band is as into it as Phantom Phunk is, believe me, we feel it as listeners and it establishes a whole new level of credibility & respect in our ears when we do. This band is clearly in it because they LOVE making music – I’d bet my life on it to tell ya the truth – you just can’t have THIS much fun without it all being real for everyone involved – and that includes us. Phantom Phunk is definitely having the time of their lives in playing this tune, but perhaps the very best part of it all, is that they’ve included us in on the fun at every fantastic twist & wildly inspired turn throughout this entire single they’ve got here.
Find out more about Phantom Phunk at their official page at:
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