Phantom Of Pop – “Unbreakable” / “Find The Light”

 Phantom Of Pop – “Unbreakable” / “Find The Light”

Phantom Of Pop – “Unbreakable” / “Find The Light” – Singles Review

Now…I don’t wanna break the mystique behind our hero the Phantom Of Pop here, because the dude is quite happy to remain an unsolved mystery & such…but I will tell ya that if the music we’re hearing is indeed being written by just one guy and not an entire team of songwriters hunched over a table somewhere out there in Nashville, then the future for this artist is probably even brighter than he’d realize.  When I put on “Unbreakable” for the first time…I kinda went back and forth with it a little bit, because I honestly couldn’t figure out how I felt about it.  Do I like it?  Do I love it?  Do I hate it?  You’d think that this kind of stuff would be easy to discern given how much music I’ve listened to and reviewed on these pages of ours throughout the years…but you’ll have to forgive me – I was trying to reconcile being born Grunge and hearing something that has that song-writery feel to it & an incredibly polished sound.  So at first, I was like…nah…this is for like…you know…the folks that would like songs by Creed or Evanescence…Daughty…Blue October…that kinda of stuff…and that ain’t me.  Or at least, it ain’t me normally.  That’s the thing about really well-written and well-executed stuff y’all – you practically can’t prevent yourself from liking what’s designed to slide straight into your ears without resistance.  So within a couple spins, I went from bristling at “Unbreakable” to trying to figure out if I liked it or loved it instead – which is a roundabout way of saying that Phantom Of Pop managed to get me onboard despite my attempts to put up a barrier between us and getting my hackles up.  Yes I have hackles – I’m a very hairy dude.  Way too hairy…but let’s just take my word on that for now and leave it at that, okay?

So anyhow…listen, the verdict is that “Unbreakable” is pretty much perfect by any conceivable definition – and I’m not really saying that begrudgingly.  It is what it is…I’m no more or less human than the rest of ya (despite all this fur on me), and when something is done right, it’s my job to acknowledge that in as objective of a way as I can.  The teenage/early 20s version of me would have gone nuts for a track like “Unbreakable” – but even now as a guy that’s kinda grown out of this vibe or simply shifted my taste to places inside the scene that I haven’t explored as endlessly, I can’t help but get attached to what I’m hearing on this single.  I KNOW that I’m gonna be singing the main hooks of “Unbreakable” around the house for DAYS, if not for the full length of the rest of my existence – but that’s a true testament to how memorable they really are.  Phantom Of Pop has written a song that’s got a bulletproof chorus, and I’ll also admit that the ride to get there ain’t bad either.  Don’t get me wrong, we’re talking about a fairly clear cut case of taking a good song into becoming a great one with the shift he makes from verse to chorus, but yeah…I’ll be the first to tell ya that there really aren’t any weak points to be found in a song like this one.  Powerfully melodic, gripping, evocative…and it even has a splash of some decent instrumentation in the mix for you as well – “Unbreakable” has a little something for everyone, and I’d say that it’s gonna have absolutely no problem at all bringing you back for another listen.  Use me as the litmus test if you like…if I could have resisted this song, I surely would have – but I couldn’t, and here we are.  Credit where credit is due, Phantom Of Pop’s first impression sure feels like it’ll last me a lifetime.

“Unbreakable” is the latest single released by Phantom Of Pop, and it’s clearly got mega-hit written all over it.  From there, I backtracked to October of last year…not the Blue kind, just a regular October, to listen to a song called “Find The Light” and see if what I was hearing in this artist was a consistent high standard, or a one-off.  And look…I mean…”Find The Light” has a bit more bite to the aggressive side of its savagely emotional sound…think along the lines of Alt-Emo…we’re closer to that kind of terrain with this single from 2024.  That being said, I felt like the quality proved to be just as high way back then as it is here in 2025…and arguably, you might even justifiably feel like the vocals come out even stronger on “Find The Light.”  It’s a more dynamic song in that regard I suppose…it takes more power to really get the hooks to come out with the strength they require, but you’ll hear Phantom Of Pop rise to the moment without hesitation, and essentially deliver another completely flawless performance.  I think we could have a conversation as to whether or not the hardcore breakdown/bizarre bring-back is something this song really needed, but I’d be the first to tell ya that it didn’t really hurt it either.  I don’t ever want to be the GET TO THE CHORUS guy…but I also have a hard time feeling like the strengths in Phantom Of Pop’s writing outside of the main hooks are even remotely comparable in that respect.  I like what I’m hearing in both tunes and the verses they have, but I LOVE what I’m hearing in each song’s chorus…and I suppose if I’m being real with ya, it’s not even a close competition between each part.  It doesn’t mean there ain’t something to listen to or keep you entertained in the ride to get to the chorus, but you’ll understand what I’m talking about when you hear these songs for yourselves…if you’re anything of a songwriter yourself, you’ll know right away that any of us would practically give our left nut to be able to write a chorus like Phantom Of Pop does just once on the inside of a lifetime, let alone twice like he has within this small sample size of two singles.  Between the two, I’m probably a little more prone to saying that I side with “Unbreakable” as the stronger song AND more universal cut of the two I’ve got here, but trust me when I tell ya, it sounds like we can’t go wrong with Phantom Of Pop and no matter what song we land on, the quality is gonna be there, and the payload will certainly come too.

In fact, you may as well test the theory out for yourselves right now – see what you think of the video/single “All I Know” below – and make sure to find out more about Phantom Of Pop at his official page at Facebook here:

Fun fact – did you know some of the most capable minds and amazing musicians you’ve ever known STILL can’t find the right way to submit their music to us?  You’d think it’d be easy, given that it’s right there on the main page of our site, yet the battle still continues!  Click here to be the next up on our pages – it’s really that simple!


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