Ozaka Bondage – “Tiny Giants”

Here’s the exact kind of energy you want to start your day with! Ozaka Bondage is here to supply ya with plenty of audible grooves, wild instrumentation, and relentlessly catchy hooks on their latest single called “Tiny Giants” – this is all kinds of spectacular fun that you’re gonna wanna get in on. Especially when you get to witness the magic happening right from the stage in the live scenes used for the visuals in the video supporting “Tiny Giants” – just have a look at the crowd and the sheer pleasure you’ll see on faces everywhere and you’ll have an idea of how Ozaka Bondage is more than capable of turning good times into great ones. Fantastically shiny instrumentation flashes all throughout “Tiny Giants,” you’ve got guitars, bass, drums, keyboards, trumpet, trombone, violin, shakers, and backing vocals in the mix here – and perhaps one of the best things about Ozaka Bondage is that you can literally see they are having every bit as much fun as everyone in the crowd is…they pump out impressive musicianship and party vibes that are designed to put every person listening in the best of moods. It definitely worked over here at SBS, that much I can tell ya for sure – “Tiny Giants” is riotous fun and has a brilliantly lively spark of energy that runs perfectly through its core. Guaranteed to get you in the mood for MORE – Ozaka Bondage has got a spectacularly single-worthy cut goin’ on with “Tiny Giants” that’ll put the funk into your morning and give your ears a fully engaging smorgasbord of sound from the music to the microphone. This is hot stuff here – check out the latest from Ozaka Bondage and get into the groove – click play on “Tiny Giants” below and get ready to turn this track up as far as your volume will take ya!
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