Oni – “Amber Lights”

Oni – “Amber Lights” – Music Video Post
Perspective is everything. Some folks are lucky enough to have it naturally, and others learn it by paying attention to the signs. Oni had a profound moment of change one night while working on this song called “Amber Lights” from his new album Shadowgraph – he realized that the same traffic signals that once seemed like they were trying to slow him down were in fact the opportunity to spend more time where it was needed most, with his beautiful wife, of whom this song has been written for, in tribute.
I invite you all to take a close listen to this song and Oni’s message, and attempt to really understand what’s being communicated here. None of us know how long we get to spend on this planet we share, or how long we’ll be lucky enough to see another day. Tell the people you care about most that you love them. Spend that extra time with those you love while you have the opportunity to, because it is all that ever matters. Cherish every second that you have together, and take comfort in the fact that all of what we do in this life will have a positive ripple effect that will continue to echo on throughout eternity.
Tracks like “Amber Lights” reflect a deeper meaning that many people are forced to confront long before they can understand or process the lessons being taught in the moment, or in many cases, even within a lifetime. Oni has put together a song that we can genuinely feel resonate within us…and over the course of time, we will all be able to fully grasp everything that he meant and relate to the meaning of this song even more. I am personally inspired by the resilience of his spirit, the love he’s shown for his wife in making this song, and I’m encouraged by how Oni has created a legacy in music to be proud of, that will endure beyond our time. “Amber Lights” was the kind of comforting song I needed right now. I sincerely hope it is for you as well.
Find Oni’s new album Shadowgraph at his official page at Spotify here: https://open.spotify.com/artist/7CNHQ90obYHcXSKVpTIhAj
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