OBD – “A Bright Day” Feat. Gual Rassi

OBD – “A Bright Day” Feat. Gual Rassi – Music Video Release/Review
The execution here is on-point homies, 100%.
The brand-new video/single from OBD is absolutely awesome from any angle you could look at it from or listen to it. I mean…just listen & watch how “A Bright Day” begins and how well it brings the rain into the mix of the music and into the visuals onscreen! This new cut they’ve got starts out strong and it visually & audibly continues to positively build from moment one, resulting in a single that ends up being seriously worth your time on every level.
To know OBD is to understand the roots of this Hip-Hop duo’s name, aka, Outnumbered But Deadly. While the head count might only include two emcees, Kawil & D-tech, make no mistake, they bring it hard to the bars and make every word truly count for something. The balance between their own strengths & styles on the m-i-c is impeccable and bulletproof – they both know how to put the rhythm into the rhyme, know what I’m sayin’? Undeniable wordsmiths and lyrically clever emcees, OBD prove time & time again that their two voices are loud enough, strong enough, and confident enough to reach the entire world, one set of ears at a time if they gotta, but regardless, they sound ready for the mission.
With graceful singer Gual Rassi featured in the stunning hooks of “A Bright Day” – OBD has locked this single down tightly in every possible way. You get dynamic performances from both Kawil & D-tech that you’ll remember – just listen to the gritty tone in their voices and precision in their rhymes and you’ll know they’ve put all their chips in on this single & held nothing back. The smooth sound of Rassi’s vocals was a brilliant fit for the crisp snare-snap beat and incredible vibe that OBD puts into this cut; it’s as smart as it is enticing to listen to – you want to hear every word from these emcees & their featured guest star. Guest stars for the record – that’s Rowin Rang laying out the sweet guitar lead later on into the mix of groove & intensity on “A Bright Day.”
As far as the video is concerned…I was almost shaking my head in disbelief when it came to the thought that somehow, OBD has taken something great and made it GREATER. The video is shot by Outnumbered But Deadly and Ryan Rook – the look of the scenes themselves is spectacular; when you factor in the editing work put in by OBD, the colorizations, the effects, the movements, edits, chops – I’m telling ya direct people, this all comes together exactly as a great video & single should. Watch closely as you flow through the video for “A Bright Day” too…because while they might start in the rain, the imagery in the scenery behind them ends up moving just as powerfully & thematically as the words.
Flawless as it gets from song to video – OBD lifts up 2018 with this inspired single. “A Bright Day” is all the evidence you need to know that this insightful crew can weather any storm that comes their way. Skillful on the mic, they’ve clearly put just as much thought into their every move on the mic as they have with the scenes of this video, resulting in undeniable entertainment for your eyes & ears at all times.
Find out more about OBD at the official links below!
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/officialobd
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/outnumberedbutdeadly
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