Nyquism – “Jaded”

Well now…this dude is on completely solid ground!
Future Garage/Electro-artist Nyquism definitely stands out as a champion of chilled-out sound with the expert mix you’ll find on his lead-single “Jaded” from his debut EP called Atmospheres. It’s incredibly easy to slide right into this stylistically slick tune, Nyquism has got the perfect dose of everything you need to keep you highly engaged without over-stepping what the song is calling for even one iota. Massively impressed with the subtle shifts in direction, the extraordinary sound selection, and the masterful way that this entire track has been assembled from beginning to end – and to think, the dude is just getting started! Nyquism has the perfect blocks to keep building from and a sleekly designed single that really captivates with “Jaded” – absolutely the kind of cut that makes me wanna hear a whole lot more from an artist with an ear for sound & skills like this guy has. There’s every reason to support a song like this, it’s audibly flawless, and a fantastic sign of a solid future career in music for Nyquism…the talent displayed and instincts revealed all point to a skilled mechanic in the art of Electro – I’m stoked to check out the rest of Atmospheres & hear what else this guy’s got goin’ on, 100%.
Just in case we somehow miss a couple of you out there, we’ll be spinning the single “Jaded” on the upcoming episode of the SBS Podcast and sharing more of our thoughts on what Nyquism has to offer the music-scene. Until that time comes, make sure to check out the official Nyquism pages online at the links below!
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1NNQmqPLPAnJaZ02ps4VgA
Multi-link: https://linktr.ee/nyquism
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