numeral – “HIDEOUS”

numeral – “HIDEOUS” – Single Review
Now this right here pretty much sounds like the soundtrack to the present day if you ask me.
The Berlin/Bern-based music producer/artist known as numeral sure creates an ominous beginning to the brand-new single called “HIDEOUS,” which follows the Primeval EP released in the summer of last year. You regular readers out there know full-well where I’m at with tracks that are off the beaten path – I’m all about it…the strange, the odd, the weird, the bizarre – send it on over here, I love all that stuff.
For what it’s worth, there’s probably more beauty in this track called “HIDEOUS” than you’d expect to find, and as far as the strange, odd, weird or bizarre stuff goes in this world, that’s usually a better way of saying that an artist or band is unafraid to do things differently than the rest do – which is always a good thing in my books. Ultimately, it’s more of an expression of art through sound than most music tends to be, which is completely why I’m all in favor of artists like numeral and what they bring to the whole scene overall. Don’t get me wrong and don’t get it twisted, I recognize just like anyone else would that a track like “HIDEOUS” ain’t gonna be for everyone out there…if you need something to sing along with, chances are you’re gonna want to keep movin’ because this ain’t that – but if you’re the type of listener to appreciate something unique, the difference that production can make through textures & tones, and you dig on the adventurous & exploratory side of sound – you’ll love what numeral’s created here with this new single. It’s vividly intense and wildly creative, and you’re always going to find me as an advocate for anything out there that wants to do things differently. You can’t blame a guy like me for feeling that way when in some way, shape, or form, I’ve practically heard everything under the sun.
Even something like numeral, while clearly venturing into virtually unknown terrain, is still discovering the corners of music something like Orbital would have explored on records like Octane back in the day, or shares many things in common creatively with exciting new art-projects like we’ve heard from K-ORA. Even when you’re out there to do things differently, it’s still hard to escape some kind of comparison. Ultimately, that’s okay…it’s actually a good thing! Without that…I mean…who the heck would you tour with, right? Our influences & similarities always show up in what we create, like I said, it’s a good thing.
What impressed my ears the most about “HIDEOUS,” was probably the impeccable attention to detail overall. Listen to the way these sounds move from the lefts to the right, listen to the life it has in its veins through the pulse of the beat or the sparkling layer of melody that drifts along the surface, listen to the exquisite textures, frequencies, and tones combined to create this extraordinary experience in music – numeral’s definitely got a gift when it comes to production, and above all things, that shines through the murky mysteriousness of this song as bright as can be. I dig that it’s by no means any kind of typical cut – “HIDEOUS” is proudly strange and so it should be…there are listeners for every kind of music out there as long as you’re putting genuine passion into what you create, and I don’t think an artist like numeral will have any trouble at all finding an audience for his music, as bizarre as it may seem to many others. It’s our differences that make the world go ‘round, as they say…but when it comes to the art of making music, it’s the differences between what you do and what someone else does that establish your loyal fan-base. Tracks like “HIDEOUS” take a lot of dedication to make, and require an intense ear for sound – numeral clearly has both of those things working well in his favor. From here, the music takes on a life of its own as most does…”HIDEOUS” will have no problem standing alone on a playlist for those out there that are like myself and embrace the strangest songs from our music scene, or “HIDEOUS” could easily go on to become part of some kind of soundtrack like you’d find in some Sci-Fi movie or show. Or maybe numeral draws it out even further when playing it live, with all kinds of visual effects to go along with it in a video…the possibilities are endless really, and with it being an instrumental track, there are even more opportunities to be found like videogames & whatnot too. “HIDEOUS” might not be the next song you hear on the radio, but there are plenty of places for it from my personal playlists to yours, and theoretically a whole bunch more spots out there on the internet around the globe as well. numeral has got something tangibly unique goin’ on…and if you dig what you hear, there’s a whole lot more to come.
Find out more about numeral from the official website at:
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