Nefarious Cloud – “Beserk”

Nefarious Cloud takes you into the dank of the basement with a low-down beat and a twisted approach to music you likely haven’t heard before. Sounding dangerous, menacing and full of mayhem – if Nefarious Cloud hasn’t convinced you within fifteen-seconds of his new video for his single “Beserk” that he’s willing to bend all the rules to get his music out there…well…watch it again, but this time with your eyes open. You can clearly see for yourself that this dude has got his own wild approach from the opening moments of “Beserk” – and he’ll go on to keep it impressively dark, sharp and unique from the other emcees out there as the track plays on. Video shot & edited by JWE…you gotta check this out for yourself to believe it all…have a look at “Beserk” from Nefarious Cloud below!
Find more music & videos from Nefarious Cloud at his official channel at YouTube:
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