Natt Moore – “March Of The Beasts” / “Lament”

 Natt Moore – “March Of The Beasts” / “Lament”

Natt Moore – “March Of The Beasts” / “Lament” – Singles Review

If you were staring out at the practically post-apocalyptic scenes that I am from my window after finally having winter remind us of what it’s capable of here in Canada, you’d know that putting on “March Of The Beasts” by Natt Moore sounded pretty much like what I was looking at outside.  Even though this dude is based way over in the UK, his music sure reached me at the right time – it looks like the start of an episode of Yellowjackets out there, so I suppose it’s only appropriate that I’ve got music on that sounds like it too.  Natt’s on the right path – I don’t think he necessarily needs a nod of approval from me, though I’m happy to give him one.  As I listened to “March Of The Beasts,” I think the most you’d find me conceding to you is that it does in fact sound like it would be the start of something else – it’s short like an intro would be at just barely more than two minutes in total length, but by the same token, the man hasn’t left anything glaring out either, and he’s actually put together something pretty exciting within such a small timeframe.  From the crystalline, ice-like sounds of calm that it starts with, to how Natt is able to delicately begin to shift the entire atmosphere into a much more mysterious intensity that seems to break through the fog, you gotta hand it to Moore for being able to take you on ANY kind of journey in such little time…but here we are.  By the time you’re about ninety seconds in or so, you’re surrounded by a repetitive tribal chanting that sounds entirely serious, and that peaceful serenity that “March Of The Beasts” once had has been fully replaced by a haunting, spiritual vibe that practically seems like what you’d hear if you were lost wandering in the woods & the forest came alive around you.  Who wouldn’t want some of that, right?  Listen…I think you can tell Natt’s got a gift for composition based on what you’ll hear in this one track alone if I’m being real with ya…like I was telling you at the start, nothing has been left outta this at all when it comes to his remarkable attention to detail.  Do I want MORE of what I hear?  Honestly, yes.  “March Of The Beasts” does have that intro-like feel to it, and plays kind of like the first chapter of many potentially…and right as it really begins to capture our interest and we hunker down to really get into it, it’s already over.  So you end up looking at a track like this from two different lenses…from one perspective, it’s perfectly complete…and from the other, you want more of what you hear, because it’s genuinely THAT compelling and engaging as an instrumental.  Nothing wrong with leaving the crowd wanting a little more though Natt…that’s what the repeat button is for.  I for one was happy to push it, and imagine myself alone in the forest, wandering around in the dark of the Canadian wilderness, listening to the sound of “March Of The Beasts” drift in on the wind.

You get to spend significant more time with Moore’s “Lament,” which was rumored to be on Natt’s record called Memento Vivere in all kinds of online posts from last year…but from what I’ve seen out there, I believe he’s still in the process of working on it for the time being.  And I mean, hey, if what we’re hearing is the quality of what he intends to put out, give the guy some time will ya?  I’ve been told that perfection takes plenty of that stuff…and make no mistake, that’s precisely what Natt seems to be serving up with the music he’s making.  Don’t get me wrong – I really like “March Of The Beasts” and there’s nothing about it that I’d change, aside from perhaps giving us a bit more of it – but I LOVE what I hear in “Lament” and with nearly five minutes of it to enjoy, Moore’s given me everything I could have hoped for in this stunningly beautiful composition.  Filled with graceful sound that moves with insightful fluidity well beyond his years, “Lament” is the kind of song that will have you recognizing how much of a prodigy that Moore really is.  This single is so remarkably moving and evocative…so smartly designed and composed…so wonderful to listen to, that it’s the kind of moment in music that makes the world stand still all around you as you let “Lament” flow through your mind, body, and soul.  It’s highly contemplative, just like a great “Lament” should be – and while it does possess the signature traits of a sorrow-like sound, I think what makes this single as inspired as it is, is that it’s not without hope.  You feel a sense of longing and sadness for sure…but somewhere smoldering underneath its surface, is a burning passion that could never be extinguished.  Like a memory you fight to hold on to, “Lament” sounded like a profound encapsulation of the defiance of devastation, in my opinion.  It’s like a song that allows you the moment & opportunity to feel all the feels, before reminding you there’s still so much more work to be done, and to get back in the battle where you belong, not necessarily because you want to, but because that’s the right thing to do.  There’s strength and resilience in the delicate sound of its beauty that is powerfully comforting, and its steady building & stoic structure feels sturdy enough to lean on when you might need it most.  Beyond the adventure, lies the peaceful serenity that you yearn for to quiet the noise inside your head & raging emotions you feel after enduring the pain of loss, and right before it’s all, the fever dream we call life breaks to be replaced by a calm that will echo through eternity.  Maybe that’s just how I’m hearing it…but you get the idea – “Lament” is gorgeously inspired, wonderfully authentic, and undeniably moving on a sensory level.  Natt Moore has truly been blessed with the ability to make music that connects directly to our hearts and minds, and that gift is entirely on display in a song like “Lament” from its heartbreaking start, straight to its spellbinding finish.

Find out more about Natt Moore from his official page at Instagram here:

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