Natalie Lucassian – “Restless”

Natalie Lucassian – “Restless” – Single Review
Hmmm! Okay…here’s what I think. I think that…there’s quite a good chance that singer/songwriter Natalie Lucassian likely has more natural talent in her pinky toe than most people will ever be lucky enough to have in total. I’m really stoked on what I hear on this new single “Restless” from her 12:26 EP – she’s clearly the authentic real-deal and has a powerful sound that’s bound to stand out from the rest.
There is truly a lot to love already about Natalie’s music – and I’d suspect there’s much, much more to come. There’s still some newness here, but overall, the potential is absolutely outstanding and she’s already performing with a style/sound that will sincerely connect with a ton of people out there. For the most part, she’s arguably already completely ready to go; if you’re inclined to think in that talent-scout kind of way, quite simply – you’d be a fool to walk away from what is so clearly a worthy investment in the future of music. Her capabilities are strong, her songwriting is fantastic, and she’s certainly got her own defined & identifiable sound…which of course, is truly remarkable this early on in her career. On “Restless” you’ll hear a couple moments where you’ll wonder if the nerves are catching her a bit…or if there’s potentially more that she can give to that gorgeous mix of tense fragility & tremble of her vocals…or if it is all the result of pursuing that stylistic tone she goes for in her approach to her singing. It could be any of the three or all of them at once…it could also very well be similar to the effect of shaking-up a can of soda…you can hear that Natalie is ready to explode into the music-scene and has the potential to detonate at any time as a result of that intense tension in the graceful sound she sings with. Much of this assessment gets sorted out over time…you can only infer & assume so much out of a single song…what excites me about “Restless” is hearing the extraordinary textures, tones, and directions that Natalie chooses and the outstanding potential she’s got to make music a verifiable career due to the unique & impressive instincts she displays as both a singer and a songwriter on this tune. I also feel like there’s next to zero chance that people wouldn’t respond to this song…there’s no question about Natalie’s ability to write several hooks into her music or her ability to deliver. For a first impression – I’m pretty much stunned by her voice overall…I can hear the talent, but I can also hear the determination, style, passion, and commitment here…like, she audibly leaves me with the complete impression that she has everything it takes to find the success she’s looking to achieve in music. She is going to grow, expand, and evolve as an artist at a seriously rapid pace & she ain’t gonna stay a secret from the world for long…I have no doubt that her music career is good to go – just remember you heard it here first!
She’s also got herself surrounded with some pretty damn talented musicians as well. From what I can see online, she’s listed as the vocals & rhythm guitar – but credit where credit is due, she’s got some aces in the room with her on “Restless” for sure. You can hear it in the smoothness of the bass, the awesome recording of the drums & percussion, the lead-guitars that take a supreme solo in the mix in the later stages of the song or how they add such personality to the verses on their way into the chorus – there is definitely capable & skillful support backing her up. As I’m sure I’ve said many times here at the pages – superstars attract amazing talent…it is enticing to work with an artist as exciting as Natalie is for a studio-musician…to know you contributed to the music of someone that could easily become the world’s next big name one day. Because that’s the thing here…and to me, there’s no arguing this final point otherwise – that no matter how perfect that music surrounding her may be – the star is ALWAYS going to remain the star here. There is…simply nothing that anyone could ever do, no part that could ever be played…that could ever outshine that stunning natural sound of her voice. I think that’s the case here on “Restless” and I honestly think it’s always going to BE the case when it comes to Natalie Lucassian’s music…she’s got a truly captivating sound & style to her vocals that’s as hauntingly emotional as it is powerfully beautiful. Everything I’ve heard on this single seriously tells me that within about five years or less, this artist has got a real date with the spotlight she should be ready to make time for…because the longer she’s doing what she does, the better she’s going to get…and sooner rather than later, the mainstream’s gonna come calling to take this artist up to the major leagues.
Find out more about Natalie Lucassian from her official homepage at:
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