Naomi K – “Take Me Home”

Naomi K – “Take Me Home” – Single Review
A good friend of mine passed on this single of Naomi K, mentioning that we might have a potential hit-song on our hands here in this review of her new song “Take Me Home.” I suppose I’m mentioning this as to make sure you all suffer the same spoiler as I did, pre-listening. I remain tremendously unaffected by information preceding my viewing or listening of any kind of media…it’s all good – you’re all welcome to spoil the plotline of a movie or film…or at least TRY. Chances are I’ll have forgotten everything we talked about by the time I get around to it, even as early on as a half-hour later. Sometimes there’s an advantage in having a goldfish-style memory…it’s all new to me no matter what I know beforehand.
What I always retain…is the name of someone, some band, some artist, some song, some album that I’m supposed to get to…cause someone I know somewhere at some point in time told me there was something good about it. I don’t know how, but that name somehow sticks in there until I finally get to it and the mission is accomplished; then my brain can mentally check it off the list and move onto the next remembering mainly whether or not I’ll likely go back to repeat the experience one day later on, which remains associated with the band, sound and style and filed somewhere up in my dome for later.
It is to say the least, a strange world I live in within the confines of my brain-space…
Anyhow…as it turns out, this reliable opinion was pretty bang on. Not only does Naomi K sing this new single with heart and passion, its chock full of hooks and sweet tones. It’s a good, classic-style of writing…pure and real in spite of the fantastic surrounding production. You can hear this song starting out in its early demo-days, on only an acoustic guitar and Naomi’s sweet voice if you put your ear to the wind just right.
Of course – what comes through your speakers will be quite different; you’ll hear an artist clearly embracing her time and passion, giving it everything she has on “Take Me Home.” Great guitars and drums start out the song with energy and capture the interest immediately. It’s a solid pop/rock tune that’s delivered with perfect arrangement; as much as I dig both verse/chorus, hearing Naomi left alone and isolated for a moment in a breakdown before the final run through of the chorus in-full, is one of the real highlights of this single. You can hear the integrity and confidence in her voice; she’s definitely comfortable performing this song but approaches it with courage and power in this inspired recording.
Certainly a lot of talent here through vocals and song-writing…musicianship as well; “Take Me Home” is a definite single-worthy song and a fantastic indication of a real talent in the making.
Find out more about Naomi K and support her at Facebook here:
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