MYKE the Pharaoh – “Broken/Golden”

MYKE the Pharaoh – “Broken/Golden” – Music Video Release/Review
“Dedicated to all those who struggle with addiction and, or mental illness…stay strong.”
Like I’ve pointed out on these pages of ours several times throughout the years – it’s all about how you choose to use your platform as an artist. Sure the world’s likely going to eat up another song about being at the club, or another recycled tune about chicks and fast cars…there’s no denying that; but there’s also no denying that that kind of material quickly fades into the background to be forgotten.
If you want to build a legacy…if you want your music or message to become timeless…you gotta keep it REAL…you make the moment MATTER – like MYKE the Pharaoh is with his new single “Broken/Golden.”
I’m a huge fan of artists like this guy, who are unafraid to examine their missteps in life close-up under the microscope to serve a greater purpose. MYKE gets extremely personal in the words of “Broken/Golden” – he’s got the kind of powerful cut that connects, because you can tell from the words and the tone of his voice that what he’s rapping & singing about is completely based in harsh reality.
Especially as the song begins; he’ll take the opening bars & first verses to set the scenario…to show you verbally what he’s gone through in his life and barely survived. The twist on “Broken/Golden” is implied right there in the title…thankfully, MYKE managed to steer himself out of the bad times and into a better situation. I say thankfully not just because I’m happy he avoided personal catastrophe, but also because now that he’s on the other side of it all, he’s using his talents, skills, and experiences to benefit us all by making tracks like this. Someone out there…maybe many people out there…will hear a song like this, and the wisdom MYKE lays down is going to be that light in the dark for them when they need it most.
“The thing I thought was making me strong was killin’ me all along, but now that part of me’s gone, so I stay busy writin’ these songs, and in the process, yeah, I’m rightin’ my wrongs.”
Love. It. LOVE IT!
That’s inspiring. MYKE the Pharaoh writes words that connect on “Broken/Golden,” because they come straight from the head & the heart and you can genuinely feel the pain of what he’s been through, and you feel that…mix of relief, inspiration, and spark in hearing how this story continues on with what he’s doing with his time now. MYKE is making music that matters; he’s written an impressively personal set of words on “Broken/Golden” and woven them all into a tale designed to make a difference…to prove to y’all that if he can break the cycle, that maybe others can too. It takes courage to write a cut like this, and confidence to execute it with as much focus and sincerity – that in itself reveals just how far a guy like MYKE has come in his life to be the man he is today. Ready to lead the way by example and encourage others out there to never stop fighting for themselves and never give up on tomorrow…I mean…c’mon people, that’s as altruistic as it gets and gets a full salute of respect from me. I’d go as far as to say I wish I was living in a world FULL of MYKEs – this guy completely gets that it’s all about lifting the rest of us up now that he’s found his own way to a better path and a brighter day. Like I was tellin’ ya…it’s right there in the title…you might be “Broken” for a while – and that’s okay – just remember that MYKE has proven right here in this new single of his that life can be “Golden” right around the corner; that things can change for the better, and even though you might not know when, it’s always possible.
The man says it best towards the end, when he says “we can get through it all by sticking together, and helping each other out” – I couldn’t possibly agree more and I guarantee many of you will feel the same.
Powerful cut MYKE. I think he nailed this single from the music to the microphone with a message that’ll truly resonate with the people out there in all the right ways for all the right reasons.
Respect homie.
Find out more about MYKE The Pharaoh at Facebook here:
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