Muenster – “Message”

It’s a mad mad mad mad world as they say homies. Muenster’s here to lay down the “Message” for all of y’all – and you’re gonna wanna pay attention to the man! Tackling seriously important issues socially, politically, AND musically – Muenster pulls no punches as he takes aim at his targets & keeps these bars intensely real. Proving that rappin’ & trappin’ doesn’t just have to be about a whole bunch of mindless bullshit and that substance MATTERS, this emcee makes consistent points about police violence, drug culture, personal beefs with the system, and dives deep into the role of society & music plays in shaping our mindset. Visually and audibly – it’s clear that Muenster’s got a ton on his mind and an army of knowledge he’s ready to put use, with all the skills required to back up everything he’s rappin’ about. Salute to this man for using his platform to raise awareness in multiple areas that demand our attention, the world could use a lot more Muensters out there right now speaking up – so listen up and learn by example – check out the “Message” for yourself and click play on his latest video below!
Find out more about Muenster at his page at Instagram here:
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