Mrs. Inspire – “Awaiting My King”

Mrs. Inspire – “Awaiting My King” – Single Review
Well now…it’s always nice when someone lives up to their name like this, isn’t it?
Mrs. Inspire’s new single “Awaiting My King” clearly aims to inspire…to encourage…to provide hope, comfort and a light to others out there for a time when they need it most. My ears always have time for an artist like this with intentions that pure – I’ve got a lot of respect for Mrs. Inspire and feel like she’s given the world an entirely real and relatable perspective in the lyricism of her brand-new single.
Above all, I think she’s given us all a fantastic performance that is strengthened by the honesty in the writing. Clearly talented, Mrs. Inspire can certainly sing a great song – but perhaps more importantly, she can connect to her music in such a way that it’s bound to translate directly to everyone else who listens to the stunning sound of her voice and messages in her music. There’s commitment, there’s focus…and these are surely tools she uses for this song…but beyond all that resides something that contributes even more to her sound – and that’s the unfiltered perspective that Mrs. Inspire brings to the words and how authentically they match the emotion in her voice. That’s the kind of pairing and connection that lets your ears know what she’s singing about is completely real…that she believes.
And I think we can all agree on just how important it truly is to believe in what you do if we’re going to feel that strength in the connection between the words, music, artist and intentions…it’s crucial. That’s also exactly why an artist like Mrs. Inspire excels and soars beautifully through a song like “Awaiting My King” – she has the ability to sing with genuine emotion & tone that will have YOU believing along with her. It’s the kind of sincerity in sound & song that will be there for someone when they need to know someone else out there in the world is thinking something close to how they’re feeling inside – a song that offers a vocal reassurance that there is always hope and light, love and acceptance in His word. A song that affirms the fact that you are never alone when you believe in the Lord…that He will be there.
Whether or not you’re a faith-based person or you’re outside of religion, I think everyone will appreciate how Mrs. Inspire has approached her writing on “Awaiting My King” and how she put her honest thoughts on display throughout the song. Like, just listen to the opening lines of the song and you’ll hear that there’s something different about this faith-based tune than most others you’ll ever find – which is the fact that Mrs. Inspire has boldly allowed herself to share her most vulnerable & questioning thoughts & emotions with us all. Don’t get me wrong – you listen to the lyrics and the increasing confidence in her voice and you’ll certainly recognize that her own faith is unshakeable as the song plays on…but she IS human – and it’s through the insightfully relatable way she communicates her own experiences, thoughts & feelings through music that is bound to help someone else out there hold on just that much longer until it’s all ok again. An acceptance that questioning is natural…a reassurance that comfort is always available…a beautifully inspiring message of hope, strength & love for all to hear…”Awaiting My King” is all of these things.
Mrs. Inspire sings this song really well…she makes it relatable, intimate, & personal like she’s having a conversation with you and you alone. The piano works great, the guitar that comes is expands the music even further – but largely, the star remains the star here…Mrs. Inspire will tell you the star is always the Lord…I’m the guy that’s supposed to break-through that humbleness for a moment and explain that it’s thanks to her bold performance that the emotion in the song translates so directly to us as listeners. There IS music, and it’s good, but it is the secondary factor when it comes to this particular song…it’s sparse enough that “Awaiting My King” required Mrs. Inspire to supply the melody through her vocals – and I think she’s done a great job on this tune. For the most part, she’s right on target with her tone, she’s always on-point with a great energy to match the intentions of the lyrics and rise/fall of the music, and you can definitely hear she’s got the benefit of a wide-range of notes to choose from that she’s capable of belting out any time – big or small, she’s ready to deliver whatever the song calls for. I have a feeling that we’ll see Mrs. Inspire soar to even higher heights as she continues on as an artist & champion of faith-based music…if she can believe in her own talent as much as she believes in God, the sky is the limit for what she could accomplish and Mrs. Inspire could go on to help a great many people by relating to them through her soul-soothing sound, uplifting messages, and comforting warmth.
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