Mr.Reaper – “Come Follow Me And We Ride”

Mr.Reaper – “Come Follow Me And We Ride” – Single Review
“I keep on goin’ – and I keep on flowin.’ I never stop, ‘til my mind drops, tellin’ motherfuckers what I have, or what I have-not.” I’m feelin’ it Mr.Reaper, and I know that I won’t be alone in that assessment – “Come Follow Me And We Ride” is definitely a single-worthy cut for sure, designed to be turned UP.
Alongside an absolutely killer vibe that sets up the man on the m-i-c perfectly, “Come Follow Me And We Ride” takes no time whatsoever to establish itself, and prove to your ears that it’s a cut well worth taking a moment to listen to. Let’s be real y’all – Mr. Reaper ain’t askin’ MUCH – he’s looking to keep YOU entertained for a cool 2:49 – surely, somewhere in your busy-ass day you can find 2:49 to tune-in, right? I ask, because you do NOT wanna catch a ride with someone else y’all…you wanna be ridin’ with Mr. Reaper, glidin’ down the highway at night…this is that real late-night anthem guaranteed to get you gettin’ your swerve on as you’re “cruisin’ the streets” – this is that soundtrack you want as you’re drivin.’
Credit where credit is DUE y’all…Mr.Reaper is damn good at what he does, and this single right here is full proof that I’m sellin’ ya the raw truth – “Come Follow Me And We Ride” is as slick as slick can be. The man flows as fluidly as water, hittin’ his bars with a spectacular mix of precision and professionalism – but perhaps even more crucially, with personality that genuinely stands out 100% for his authenticity. You can tell this ain’t Mr.Reaper’s first rodeo, know what I’m sayin?’ Keepin’ the syllables movin’ at a rapid pace, his thoughts create vivid imagery you can absolutely see in your mind like a picture come to life – and combined with the low-key vibe in the atmosphere being as addictive as it is? C’mon now y’all – he’s feelin’ it, we’re feelin’ it – Mr.Reaper hasn’t given you an ounce of anything worth complaining about – this is pure audio gold from start to finish, from an artist that clearly knows exactly what’s up.
Dude’s been rockin’ strong since the release of his album Reapercussions – and more recently than that, he shot it to ya straight on his record Light Vs Dark last year in 2021 – let’s be real here y’all, Mr.Reaper has put HIMSELF on a path to success through a string of tangible accomplishments he’s completely put the work into earning. By being fully interested, invested, and engaged in his career, he’s on an upward trajectory, with no signs of slowing down…and to be real with ya, a single spin through a track like “Come Follow Me And We Ride” pretty much reveals the many reasons as to WHY he’s experiencing such success and racking up hits & listens into the six & seven digit-mark every time he releases something new. The man’s got true swag, that’s the facts, full stop. Mr.Reaper knows his way around the microphone and exactly how to get the maximum potential out of every beat & every bar – and a cut as strong as “Come Follow Me And We Ride” proves every single word I’m sayin’ to be true. What I’m tellin’ ya, is that this man right here has already achieved a great deal over the past couple years since he started releasing his music on a professional level – he might have been away for a minute or two since he dropped his record Light Vs Dark last year, but “Come Follow Me And We Ride” proves that he hasn’t lost a step, and that the momentum of his music career is still flowin’ in the right direction.
If you’re a fan of Rap/Hip-Hop…I can’t hear anything that would stop ya from turning this track UP. Mr.Reaper knows he’s got the juice…the verbal stamina…the creativity & personality it takes to be #1 – this is what comes naturally to him, and what he was born to do – so he’s gettin’ it DONE & doin’ the WORK. I mean…the dude even handles his own echo effects manually y’all…Mr.Reaper ain’t fuckin’ around! “Come Follow Me And We Ride” is out and available online now – pull up and get some of this.
Find out more about Mr.Reaper at his official website right here:
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