MOИK – IKIG4I – Album Review
Goddamn…if you blink, you might miss him. One moment he’s around, the next he’s gone, likely back in the lab, doin’ his thang, disconnected from the rest of the world, safely immersed in his realm of music.
MOИK is back in action this year with…umm…IKIG4I? Is that like…a license plate or something? Are those Is or ls? Man. Am I getting too old for this shit or what?
Thankfully, that’s what Google is for. Apparently there Is…hopefully that clears it up for you. From what I’ve discovered, MOИK is playing on the Japanese concept that roughly translates to “a reason for being,” and then of course, with this being his fourth record and all, that’s where the 4 in IKIG4I comes from. No worries folks…I’m on the case…mystery solved…you’re welcome…you can all thank me later.
I might not know a lot about anything other than what sounds good, if anything at all, but thankfully, when I log in here at sleepingbagstudios, that’s where the one thing I have any knowledge about seems to come in the most handy. ALWAYS stoked to hear what MOИK has been up to, even despite the guy’s tendency to accelerate my anxiety with his incessant use of numbers and letters combined to send my Microsoft Word alarms through the roof. Clicking play on IKIG4I revealed a completely stellar cut called “TIMEW4STE,” that right on the money…it’s partly a middle finger to life, and partly an ode to being on your own schedule & living life by your own damn rules. I can get behind that. Dig the vocals included, the melody is superb…all that stuff checks out. MOИK is taking a bit of a risk with the slightly distorted style of beat in the production…those that make music will know it’s a stylistic choice, and those that don’t are likely gonna assume that “TIMEW4STE” is a bit blown out, not realizing the crystal clarity of everything else in the mix. I’m really neither here nor there with those kinda sounds being included…I get why people like’em, but at the same time, I’m extremely familiar with just how many people out there have no clue about what they’re really listening to. So…trust me…he is running a substantial risk with including something like that on track ONE…but as the lyrics will go on to inform you, he “don’t really care to impress you.” If you get it, you get it, and if you don’t, it’s best for ya to move the fuck on.
Anyhow. Personally, I felt like it was a great start to this new record. Then by the time I got to the second track “PE4CE,” I was immediately convinced that IKIG4I could quite easily go on to be the best that we’ve heard from MOИK so far. “PE4CE” is ALIVE AF y’all…and I’m tellin’ ya right now, this is the kind of sound you want jammin’ at the top of your playlist. The hooks are insanely good, and the only thing that might rival the strength you’ll find there is in the lyricism and overall performance from the vocals. Don’t get me wrong, I ain’t dismissing the music, which is ALSO amazing…I’m just saying, I think most of us would primarily think about MOИK as an instrumentally-based artist…so to hear the guy’s music branching out like this is seriously a wild leap forward. I’m not the guy that’s gonna tell you that vocals automatically make something better, because that ain’t how I feel – I love TONS of instrumental artists and bands…far too many to list here, even just to provide you with an example. Having said that, I’m all about doing what the moment calls for – and if you end up in a situation like MOИK, and you feel like switching things up, and there’s a PURPOSE for doing that…fuckin’ get after it! “PE4CE” is a perfect example of the power of intention in action…it’s not like he just threw some random words at the wall to see what would stick – there is meaning and purpose and intention with “PE4CE,” and you can hear it.
Yep. Every time I spun my way through this record, I’d get to track three & feel like there was no doubt about MOИK finding his way into our top ten list this year. What can I say y’all? When you put this kind of effort in…when you’re pushing forward with these kind of breakthrough results…I mean, it deserves recognition, you feel me? So while I’d never commit to saying anything just ends up making our list at the end of the year here in March, especially with so many of you out there making so many incredible things…I’m usually pretty damn sure about how I feel. At the very least, I can confirm that MOИK is on my shortlist right now, and that IKIG4I has significantly raised the stakes and standards for the rest of you all to rise up to. The dude’s just clearly in the finest of forms right now – LISTEN to “H4VEHOLD” and try to convince me that he’s not! Never mind me, try to convince yourself and see what happens! You’ll probably slap your own damn face for lyin’ to ya. This is brilliantly clever stuff dear readers, dear friends…it sounds FRESH as it gets, inspired, and to be honest with ya, like the groundbreaking record I’ve always known that MOИK has had in him. Smart of him to get all kinds of assistance with the vocals & guest stars in the mix, and the powerful punch in the dynamics of a song like “H4VEHOLD” are pretty much second to none. To say you’ll be impressed by track three is the biggest understatement I could make. By track three, you’ll be convinced that IKIG4I is the only album you’re gonna need this year.
The question of course becomes, can he keep this up? Look…I’ll be real with ya…I’m more realistic than most when it comes to the ups/downs in a set-list and the dynamics of a record – not EVERY track can be our favorite cut, you feel me? So when I feel things dip for a moment momentum-wise, I don’t really sweat it like others might…because we all have different things that appeal to our ears. All I wanna hear at the end of the day, is that the quality and consistency is on display across the board, and that you’ve done your level best to ensure that EVERY track on your album has the chance to become SOMEBODY’s favorite, you dig? Like, “N4TURAL” for example, is a solid example of what I’m talkin’ about. Do I think it fully measures up to the excitement generated by the first three tracks? In some ways yes, and in some ways no. If we’re talkin’ about technique, ideas, and innovative creativity, believe me when I tell ya, MOИK is flexin’ all that and MORE. There are literally zero worries in that department – the quality and consistency I was referring to, is entirely present and accounted for. As for the material itself, I feel like “N4TURAL” is a solid track, even if it’s not quite as appealing or as addictive as the first three tracks are to me. I listen to a cut like “N4TURAL,” and I think to myself, is it possible that this could be someone else’s favorite track on the record, and the answer is an instant YES without any reservations or hesitations. You see how that works? That’s what consistency is really all about y’all…it’s about making material that adheres to the standards YOU set, and when you do that, you can create your music & art in every possible direction, leaving the court of public opinion to debate what worked best.
“4RCHENEMY” – that’s YOU MOИK! Good lord, I love you brother, but when it comes to writing out a review with all these numbers in the words and shit, this becomes serious WORK dude! Maybe that’s a bit harsh…”4RCHENEMY” seems a little overboard…how about…numerical nemesis? I can roll with that. Anyhow. I’ll curse his name on my own time. I felt like this cut came out strong for MOИK…no glaring issues detected, and a lot of tangible uniqueness that separates this track from the rest in the lineup. All good stuff. I really like how he’s got so many different personalities on the mic in the mix to help assist in establishing the individual character in each cut, yet unites them through the common themes they all speak on. Dude’s crushin’ it when it comes to the production and composition as he always does – MOИK has set incredibly high standards for his music in the past, and it’s been awesome to hear him still flexing that musical muscle with full confidence. What I also love about his music, is that even when you might think he’s done with a track, he’s STILL inclined to add in more, right to the very last seconds of a song…so like…in the case of “4RCHENEMY,” you might think that he’s finished, but the final twist in this song with the “do no harm, take no shit” part at the very end was like the proverbial cherry on top y’all.
“B4DMIND,” perhaps, but a GOOD MESSAGE is what you’ll find at the core of this song, which might very well go down as one of the most relevant cuts you’ll hear in the lineup of IKIG4I. Now…I’m not gonna go so far as to say that it’s entirely political…because it’s not…BUT…MOИK IS dipping a toe into the water here. At the very least, it touches on personal politics, and/or the way we choose to govern ourselves. Whether it’s in examining morals, or the absence of morals, he’s making commentary on what he sees as important in “B4DMIND,” and where things are going wrong for others out there. Lines like “I’m steady holdin’ firm, but you on another tip” is a perfect example of how some of us have been able to cling to who we are, while others have capitulated, or outright caved in…which is expressed in the agony of a line that follows – “don’t even know you no more.” Some of my favorite lyricism on this record is found in the thought-provoking words of “B4DMIND” – there are strengths in this material that go far beyond the beat, production, and performance. All that stuff checks out solidly as ever mind you, but I do like it when an artist reveals their perspective and proves they’ve got something to say – and that’s kinda what “B4DMIND” does for this particular record at this point in the lineup. This is that audible line in the sand…and I appreciate that. Hooks are impressively strong on this track too – MOИK might end up drifting closer to something you’d hear from Oliver Tree on this cut, but that’s the reality and he’ll have to deal with that. From my perspective, that’s a compliment – I fucking love Oliver Tree.
“MOИK, what the fuck?” asks the vocals on “I 4ND I,” and I suppose that’s a valid enough question – this particular cut does feel like a bit of a departure from the rest of the lineup in a few ways. The dude digs into the roots of his electronic technique here, while also reaching right to the bottom of his bag to pull out all the stops as well. The results speak for themselves if you ask me – “I 4ND I” exposes a tremendous amount of sonic depth that can’t be denied, but it’s also a track that arguably focus more on the technical stuff as opposed to creating a cut that the masses are gonna automatically vibe with. It might take a minute or two for listeners to comprehend the extent of how a track like “I 4ND I” creates its appeal, and even then, it’s still gonna be a tougher sell in comparison to much of this lineup where the songs are built with higher degrees of accessibility and less noticeable complexity. I’m personally here for both when it comes to the music MOИK makes…so I’m just as stoked to hear this guy unleash a remarkably strong cut like “I 4ND I” that highlights how much skill this guy has on a compositional level, and I love that he is capable of creating such enormous diversity on the inside of a single track like this. I get it though…I can hear that “I 4ND I” is going to be more challenging for many listeners out there by comparison to the majority of this set, but I can only hope that since they bought the ticket, that they take the ride, you feel me? This is a quality cut, and an authentically innovative one too, no matter how you slice it. I reckon you could argue that a track like this is the bridge between present and past MOИK.
“ME4NBOY” leans even further into what we know from MOИK and the kinds of experiences we’ve had with his music in the past. Don’t get me wrong, the man has always been damn good at what he does, so I’m definitely not complaining – but I would argue that he’s shown us further steps in his evolution with the earlier stuff you here in this set so far. Never anything wrong with going back to what you know you do well…not every song we’re ever gonna write has to move the needle forward. Sometimes you move laterally, and that’s kinda what “ME4NBOY” is to me. If you think I’m gonna complain about a mean & lean track like this though, you’re outta your mind. It’s still MOИK y’all…the dude’s damn good at what he does, and the wild dynamics of this track are still well worth playing at maximum volume.
Well…shit…THIS is interesting, ain’t it? “PR4Y” probably isn’t exactly what you’d expect to hear from MOИK, and pretty much the opposite of everything I said about “ME4NBOY” applies to this track as a result. I feel like I remember reading something about a Pink Floyd cover somewhere in the lineup of this record, but that’s not what you’re going to find on “PR4Y,” which is actually a medley cover of four totally different names and songs you’ll certainly recognize. This is really smart stuff y’all…this is 100% clever to have threaded all this into one cut…impressive, truly. SPOILER ALERT…you will find pieces of “Bizarre Love Triangle” by New Order, “Personal Jesus” by Depeche Mode, “Diary Of A Madman” by Ozzy Osbourne, and “Love Song” by the Cure…I think that’s the full lineup, ain’t it MOИK? Even the selection of the four is obviously symbolic to the record itself, but interesting choices too. You’ve got three of those four being a part of the Post Punk/New Wave scene, with Ozzy being the clearest outsider when it comes to what’s included in “PR4Y” sound-wise. Subject/content-wise, it all fits…and that’s where the insight of MOИK plays a significant role in bringing all these songs together in his own insightful way. I’ve always felt like the actual selection of a cover SHOULD say something on your behalf, you know what I mean? Like…maybe someone out there said something you wanted to say, but did it in a way you admire…like they were able to express your thoughts better than you even could…that’s the ultimate way to go about choosing a cover, in my opinion. I feel like MOИK did that here…that the cuts he chose weren’t just what caught his ear, so much as its all meaningful material that matters to him. As a song…it’s interesting…I feel like I’m probably more impressed by it than I’d be willing to say it’s the cut of all cuts, you know what I mean? You don’t really run into tunes like “PR4Y” and I always appreciate uniqueness…plus, the Cure is one of my two favorite bands of all time – so how could I not approve of what I’m hearing in this track? Feels like MOИK might really be onto something with this multi-cover.
DID WE CATCH AN ERROR HERE? I see “FASTER” on my track listing! Should I correct this? I know he meant it to be motherfucking “F4STER,” but since I’ve had to endure that the entire time in writing this review…adding fours into every damn word and such…I should kick my feet up and take a break here, yes? I’m doin’ it. I’m sure if you look online when this record gets its official release on 4/20 this year, that it’ll probably be corrected by that point…but FUCK IT, I’m goin’ with what I see in front of me right now, so “FASTER” it IS MOИK, MUHAHAHAHA. I mean…I can’t just go changing titles because I think a song should be something else, right? Just doin’ what I’m told with the information I’ve got, that’s it, that’s all. I will say this though, “FASTER” is easily one of my favorite tracks on the record if I’m being real with ya. I even love that it’s called “FASTER,” yet the first thing it’ll do is advise you that “we got to slow down” – which is completely true…we all should. That’s what real rebellion looks like in this hyperactive world we’re living in…refuse to go at someone else’s fucking speed, you dig? Go at YOURS. “Simplify and just let it flow,” as the words will explain to ya on “FASTER.” That’s wisdom right there y’all…that’s the truth. We’re all rushing around like ants in a colony, and it’s become way harder to slow things down, stay present, and appreciate the moments we’re living in. Use this as your anthem for doin’ exactly that. “FASTER” is built on important, downright CRUCIAL advice, and a damn great vibe.
There it is! Revealed in the track known as “YESTERD4Y,” you’ll find a cover of Pink Floyd’s “Time,” which essentially continues on with the themes that MOИK was expressing in “FASTER” right beforehand. I’ll be real with ya…there are about 5% of us on this planet that use our time as wisely and efficiently as we probably should…so don’t get too down about yourself if you’re not there quite yet. All we can ever hope for is that we build on what we did “YESTERD4Y” as we continue to move forward in our own way, at our own speed, right? You’ll also find wisdom from Bil Keane in the mix of this track as well…though with one very noticeable word omitted from the original quote…and perhaps a snippet of one of Aleister Crowley’s most well-known pieces of advice as well if I’m hearing things correctly? All of these things are tied together conceptually if you’re paying close attention…but sure, I’m gonna give you all a ton of credit for the way I KNOW that you listen to music and assume half of all this is gonna fly right by ya. That’s the great thing about artists like MOИK…if you’re willing to dig, you’ll get that much more outta the music he makes, but you can still enjoy it on a surface level too if that’s how you choose to get down. I love that this guy has taken the time with his material to load it up with audible Easter Eggs…it makes listening enjoyable on a whole different level. Like, when you hit that spot of “YESTERD4Y” just prior to the four minute mark for example, and you’re like, wait a second, I know that pattern…where’s that from? Then you realize it’s a tiny reference to “Sweet Dreams (Are Made Of This)” by Eurythmics, and instantly know that it’s no accident whatsoever, but completely intentional. It’s another piece of the puzzle and a part of what makes this album a concept record in so many ways. What I’m not gonna do is pretend that I’ve managed to pick up on everything this guy is laying down, because I’m simply not that bright…but I do listen, and I like to think I hear things that others don’t. If you’re that same type of person, believe me, listening to the way MOИK masterfully weaves this whole concept together throughout IKIG4I is a real treat. Obviously there are a few main themes that you’ll encounter through the whole lineup, but a lot of this album really is tied together on a conceptual level.
As IKIG4I finishes with “TOD4Y,” you’ll again discover some of the most sage advice & words of wisdom on the record, and one hell of a conclusion to what has been unquestionably some of the very best of MOИK’s music to-date. “Don’t you worry about tomorrow, because tomorrow won’t be worrying about you” – I couldn’t possibly agree more. Between you, me, and the fencepost…I know some details that I’m not sharing…and I can tell you firsthand that MOИK has perspective that most of us simply do not have. That didn’t come easily to him. You might even say it was given to him under the worst of circumstances you’d likely be able to conceive of…and that all would have been for naught if he didn’t make the effort to learn from the spiral of events he was unfortunately trapped within. “So then I got to thinking about my mortality…about how fragile and fleeting this life I have ahead of me. Regret is not a friend I wish to keep, I know my enemies…they’re working from the inside trying to take the best of me. We’ve got to keep our heads screwed on for hope of getting through another day.” If you haven’t picked up on the concepts driving this record, MOИK essentially spells it all out for you in the brilliance of the finale to IKIG4I, and he’s done it saying what he has to say better than I ever could. So I’ll leave it there, and encourage you to listen once again… IKIG4I comes out this April 20th, and you do NOT wanna miss it.
Find out more about MOИK from his official website at:
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