MOИK – 3EP – Album Review
Man. Nearly THR3E Y3ARS already eh? Can’t believe it’s been that long MOИK!
Glad to have this dude back in the mix. Especially when you consider where we left off with this man’s music, back when we reviewed the Grief EP in September of 2021. I’m not gonna go into all that again, because that was the past & this is the present, but suffice it to say, there was so much pain threaded into the Grief EP that I’m absolutely positive many folks out there wondered if that might even be the last we’d hear from MOИK. If you check out what I had to say about it by clicking here, you’ll know I never really felt like that was completely the case, even though I’d acknowledge it certainly COULD have been for very justifiable reasons…but it seemed more likely that what we were hearing was an audible form of processing a tough array of thoughts, feelings and emotions. I was stoked to find new MOИK in my inbox waiting for me this year, and knew that he’d come back with a vengeance given that he chose to continue making music. Upon pushing play to hear “3AD” at the start, you can instantly hear that the spark and the inspiration has returned…the interest and attention to detail is fully accounted for…that the material itself, sounds freakin’ fantastic and like MOИK is ready to ATTACK this next chapter of his story as an artist. From the lefts to the rights, “3AD” creates a wildly engaging and enticing beginning to 3EP, and confirms that not only is MOИK back in action, but that he’s clearly also at the top of his game. Love the sound & textures to this opener, and really dig all the vocal samples laced into “3AD” as well.
Borrowing one of the most recognizable samples that exist in the Bob Marley catalog to create the foundation for “GRATITUD3” was a great move, and one that definitely fits the vibe he was going for. I dunno…I suppose that, given my profession on this side of the screen, you can call me a word-guy…I like sounds that are consistent with the meaning behind a title, even though I’m the same dude that would tell ya a title doesn’t always have to dictate what a song is really about. There are no rules in that regard, but it’s nice when you can make some true associations. In that respect, to me, real “GRATITUD3” has truly humble qualities to its meaning, which is why I liked the somewhat low-key approach to this second cut on 3EP. I think there would have been a massive temptation to overuse the Marley sample, and I’m stoked that MOИK steered clear of that, giving “GRATITUD3” just enough of it to show his appreciation in a very down-to-earth type of way. The last sample you’ll hear in this song has also been a big inspiration in my own journey…”choose life” – you remember that? If I’m not mistaken, that comes from one of the most desolate but inspiring tales you’ll ever be lucky enough to witness, from Irvine Welsh’s Trainspotting. That whole story, for as dark as it is, should have you practically bursting at the seams with desire to give life the proverbial business, and make the most of every moment. In life, we can learn just as much from our mistakes if we’re paying close attention; whether they’re ours or someone else’s, those missteps can illuminate the right pathway forward we really need.
The production and technique of MOИK continues to shine as major assets that complement his ideas. When it comes to a track like “GIV3R,” you really end up appreciating how these three main elements play a huge role in creating sounds & songs that’ll catch your interest & captivate your imagination. While it’s probably fair to say that a lot of what MOИK creates would still fall into the experimental side of music to a degree, songs like “GIV3R” put him that much closer to stuff you love in Dream Pop/Trip Hop, which are two genres that remain consistently relevant and artistically progressive at all times. If you like titans like Massive Attack, Four Tet, Sneaker Pimps, Portishead…you’re pretty much guaranteed to love what you’ll find on “GIV3R.” There’s depth to ideas like this one that proves you don’t need to be too flashy when it comes to the hooks, and that craftsmanship can always speak volumes on its own behalf. I’d be inclined to tell ya that “GIV3R” is my favorite track of the first three cuts on 3EP for sure.
Lots of crossover sound to be found on this record all-around from what I’m hearing on this side of the speakers. While there’s no doubt about his status as an Electro-based artist overall, you gotta dig on how he’s brought in elements of Trip-Hop, Rap, Dream Pop, and even Reggae into the first half of this album. You’ll find the Reggae thread continues to show up on “RAV3N,” but you’ll also find that it’d be tough to describe it, or really any other genre as the dominant trait as MOИK continues to blur the lines between what you think you know and what’s actually possible through the dedicated pursuit of making audible art. The most you’ll find me conceding to you is that I know full-well that not everyone out there is going to be able to hang with a track like “RAV3N” – but so what? Not every song out there is gonna be for every person, but when you put in the high level of quality that MOИK puts into every cut, you give each song a verifiable opportunity to make an impact on the listening ears out there. Slowly, but surely, you catch the attention of the people that are on the fringe of Electro through the infusion of other styles and sounds added in through the influences of other genres, and voila – that’s the recipe for our own evolution y’all. Before you know it, people from all walks of life and different tastes in music find their way to enjoying songs like “RAV3N,” and embrace their experimental vibes with open arms. It ain’t gonna happen overnight…people tend to resist uniqueness at first and that’s OKAY…bit by bit and beat by beat, it’s artists like MOИK that understand incremental growth leads to exponential results.
Bending things in a more accessible direction, like he does on “MALMONJ3” will certainly help attract a few more listeners as well. Don’t get me wrong, I’m all for art, creativity, experimentation and imagination – but I also understand how crucial it can be to find ways to get people to actually LISTEN to music with those qualities as well, and that ain’t always an easy task by any measure. “MALMONJ3” seems to find an incredible way to walk that line in the space between with swagger & confidence, and I’m freakin’ here for it! I felt like this was a seriously exceptional cut in the MOИK catalog overall, not just an asset to this record, but a solid track that highlights his immense potential. He’s essentially found a way to give everyone a lil’ somethin’ special on “MALMONJ3” without having to compromise his style, sound, or artistic integrity one iota. Seamlessly transitioning between a wickedly accessible vibe and a wild array of experimentation along the way, “MALMONJ3” is a testament to what MOИK is capable of and how his music has everything it needs to get people onboard with it. It’s definitely a noteworthy achievement when you consider how antitypical it really is on a fundamental level – but when you’re really committed to the craft, you can get people excited about hearing something new. “MALMONJ3” is that cut you’re looking to show the squares in your life to help them open their mind a little bit more, you feel me? It’s authentically expressive, artistic, and genuinely intriguing at all times.
For myself personally, “L3TGO” is a perfect example of a song that simply doesn’t hang around long enough…and I mean that in the most complimentary way it can be said. I’d have easily taken another five minutes of this track; at just over two minutes in length, it’s practically finished by the time we’ve managed to sink our teeth into it! In its own way though, it reinforces the point he’s making on this track…the good and the bad in life…ultimately, you’ve gotta “L3TGO” of both at some point. Why you’d wanna let the bad stuff go…I mean…that’s easy for everyone to understand, but equally important. As to how crucial it is to find a way to accept letting the good things go too…that’s much trickier to master, but again, also vitally important. “L3TGO” somewhat spends time in both the light and the dark overall from what I took out of it, and as a result, you’ll find an insightful balance designed to enlighten ya ass! You get the sense from a track like this that MOИK knows he’s spent a LOT of time in the purgatory of his own self-persecution, but that he’s coming around to a level of acceptance that recognizes how all that he’s been through in the past and will go through in the future, is an integral part of who we are. I’ll let you fill in the blanks though…you’ve got my interpretation of things here, but MOИK’s music is always largely instrumental…he’ll add samples in the mix to give you a hint or two as to what something might be about, but at the end of the day, we’ll all interpret his songs with different meanings I’m sure. Sound-wise, I’d put “L3TGO” right up there with the most accessible and exciting tracks on this album.
With tracks as fresh, vibrant and alive as “LIF3” are, you gotta admit, MOИK is in great shape here with the material on 3EP. He’s a musical shapeshifter…there’s no doubt about that…and I get it, I get it – there is inherent risk that comes along with being unique or experimental. I don’t expect everyone out there to be able to hang with tracks like “LIF3” with their flexible sound and malleable structures, but in my heart of hearts, I like to think there’s absolutely nothing here that would prevent anyone from listening either. In fact, I’d go as far as to say that it’s another testament to a really well thought-out album that tracks like “LIF3” can be as decisively different as they are, yet also retain our attention without any perceivable issues. That’s no small accomplishment y’all…it takes a whole lot of back and forth and willingness to experiment to find the balance of what keeps people interested, but I feel like tracks like “LIF3” exemplify why it’s so refreshing when you can achieve it. You end up with compelling material that’s continuously engaging at all times…inspired ideas like “LIF3” that are thrilling in their own unique way, because they so proudly dive right into the unknown and seem to somehow preserve an unpredictable vibe no matter how many times you spin your way through it. Take it from me folks – I’ve been listening to this album for the past week or so, and the whole set-list holds up strong on repeat – it’s tracks like “LIF3” that contribute greatly to the strength of the lineup. As you look up from a long streak of spins through 3EP, you truly appreciate finding something this inspired so deep into the set.
Low-key awesomeness, thy name be “VIC3” yo! While I certainly wouldn’t advise skipping past any of the tracks in this particular set of songs, there’s also a difference between feeling like that, and hearing a cut that you absolutely do not wanna miss out on, like “VIC3.” I genuinely think a lot of people will be seriously impressed with this track…”VIC3” ends up both sneaking up on you with how damn good it really is, while also never hiding it either. I don’t know exactly how an artist would go about creating a song that can DO that, but that’s the case and here we are. The sound selection in this song is outright fantastic to experience, and with the uncanny way that MOИK is able to mix & produce his material, you really can’t help but love this track on 3EP. It’s interesting to me, because it’s not the kind of energy or pace that I’d usually associate directly with accessibility, but I feel like “VIC3” is absolutely fascinating in a way that transcends what typical hooks can accomplish. So rather than something that’ll come & go, you end up with a song that’s bulletproof on all fronts, designed to live on your playlists forevermore, you know what I mean? Generally speaking, it’s extremely hard to create hooks that don’t wear out, but when you’re creating real soul-food through sound, or music through the mind, you end up with a blend of substance and style that can outlast anything that’s simply designed to be flashy and catchy. So hell yeah – I’m all for tracks like “VIC3” that do what they do with such flawless fluidity, smooth precision, and crafty cleverness…there’s plenty for your ears to dig on while your mind happily chews on this track.
Finishing it off in style with “SL3EP” – I felt like MOИK left us all with little at all to complain about over the course of 3EP. It’s inventive, imaginative, sincere, confessional, and also unafraid to be different. It stacks up to a lineup of nine tracks that remain consistent thematically, and true to the type of energy & sound you wanna find in MOИK’s production, ideas, and songs. “SL3EP” was the right note to end on – I might not particular feel like it raised the stakes any further than what we’ve already heard, but it certainly doesn’t let us down either. It’s got a sleepier vibe to it, which essentially cues our ears into this track being the conclusion of 3EP. I suppose it’s possible that the more sporadic energy in the samples of this song could contrast a bit too much or clash with the serenity of the music at the core underneath for some, but I dunno – I felt like I could still absorb both of these elements equally, largely thanks to the expert mixology of MOИK and his remarkable ability to separate sounds in the way he produces music. All-in-all, I thought “SL3EP” was the right place to call it…it completes this experience, but also displays a range of ideas, textures, and tones that are enticing to the ears in a way that’ll get people pushing repeat. It’s been a great record to spend time with this past week and really sink my teeth into…MOИK’s a master of creating music that you’ll happily contemplate, communicate with through your emotions, and consider from track to track. He’s got that audible feng shui goin’ on throughout this set-list…it’s solidly balanced. Awesome to have him back & sounding as inspired as he does on 3EP.
Find out more about MOИK from his official website at:
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