Mitchell Bay

Mitchell Bay
Communication. That’s the heart of all rap music isn’t it? What started as an underground common thread to a few has been now longstanding within the mainstream but that element of communication and shout-outs to the masses remains. Meet Mitchell Bay – rap artist from BC, Canada and focused wordsmith; not only in his music – but here in this very interview!
And you’ll see plenty of that here on the page from Mitchell as we get journalistically surgical and dissect some of his tracks and discuss the lyrical content that drives them as well as find out how much of this is real-life Vs. great storytelling. MB has an intelligent and thought out answer for all of my questions and sets the record straight and clear for you all to read about here in this interview.
For you existing fans (And sure, you new ones can come along too!) we also have some exclusive details on Mitchell’s planned return to your internet screens…happening very soon. There’s all kinds of details here from Mitchell and we didn’t even have to get gangsta on him to get the info.
The main reason being, once again, communication. Mitchell Bay shoots straight ahead when he’s answering these questions and left zero doubt as to what he might have meant in any answer. It’s all here in full detail – and I want to personally thank him for that. Because it IS all about communicating with each other through this musical universe we all are a part of. And that unity leads to something more incredibly unbelievable I can’t even theorize what it might be. But it starts with being true to ourselves, reaching out to those that are true to themselves as well and keeping the message on point. Mitchell Bay knows what I’m talking about.
Enjoy the interview.
Jer @ SBS
Mitchell Bay Interview
SBS: Alright brother-man. Lots I want to ask you about. Listening and learning about your music right now while I’m writing this up. I have to admit – my ears have an automatic rap vs. hip-hop filter…to me those two genres are completely identifiable not only by flow and beat, but mostly from the lyrics themselves I suppose. Hip-hop has maintained that identifiable feel-good/contemplative vibe, whereas rap has become much more about self-reflection in the times where it isn’t about bitches, money, guns and drugs. Now Mitchell – right away in the first track I pop on from your Soundcloud page I can hear that I’m listening to rap of course, and don’t get me wrong…I got LOVE for both genres…but then I start to dig into the social media and really start to look into “who is” Mitchell Bay. I’m also willing to admit seeing some photos of you…well, they didn’t exactly match the image already crafted by the music in my head. A young healthy white male – Mitchell, my first question to you is – exactly how much of the content in your work represents your life and where you’ve been? Fact or fiction here?
Mitchell Bay: Well the way I have always approached my music is just…I guess I just write whatever I feel. Music is a form of escapism as well as storytelling for me. I used to worry so much, and not even write lyrics at certain times because they would come out more brutal or something if I was angry, and I would worry “oh no people are going to be like HE DOESN’T DO THAT SHIT” but I learned over time that venting through an outlet such as songs, especially when you are a weirdo like me * laughs some people make take that the wrong way, like your trying to be like Rick Ross and lie about living a life that you know nothing about, like for example in my song Lost Scriptures when I say “I’m the rap cannibal who mastered actin natural, you can ask Hannibal, I’m crashin’ through the back of skulls, of rappers with the Adderall, who steady blastin’ Macklemore” it’s pretty obvious that I am not actually roaming around the streets attacking rappers who write about Adderall and listen to Macklemore, that’s why I say that I’m the RAP cannibal, by that I mean I have no boundaries in my music. I mention Adderall and Macklemore specifically because I feel both of those things are played out in Hip-Hop. Kids stuck on the whole Eminem thing that can’t move past it that rap about how they do all these pills and aren’t right in the brain, that shits funny to me. But it’s a waste of my time too, and it’s annoying artists like that, who are a problem because it floods the field and the real dream chasers gotta dunk on everyone to stick out if that makes sense. As for Macklemore I don’t think we have enough time to discuss my opinion on him, laughs uncontrollably, but yeah long story short I’m tired of hearing about him and if he could go away that would be cool. But yeah, I guess to get back to your original question, I guess it’s facts drawn out in fiction… sometimes it’s blown up to make for interesting storytelling and to vent, but at the end of the day there are huge elements of true facts and stories in my writing and there always will be.
SBS: Here’s some strange synchronicity for ya. I was listening to your track “FaceBookHoes” and I was thinking to myself, ‘interesting track, it’s an update on standard rap verse in the sense that it’s updated for today’s world…hmm…I wonder who that’s really about.’ Then this happens…and I quote you direct…
“Hey yo – if you think you are who we are speaking of, well shit bitch you might BE. It ain’t our fault!”
I mean shit brother! That was random! I had to really review what I’ve been up to on Facebook just to make sure I didn’t fall into this category…
A younger Mitchell Bay could have chosen ANY genre or style of music to play. From talking to you in the background, I already know that you started writing at only EIGHT years old after hearing Eminem and Tupac but what really led you into rap? Where, at only eight years old, did you get access to those 2 artists! Someone must have had some personal influence in your love for the rap game as well I’m thinking… And beyond that – how did you confirm you had a place in this game?
At a young age like that, I’d have to believe that if you didn’t gain some positive reactions from people that you might have given it up, like any kid would. So I’m thinking…you must have known you can do this for quite some time and that your talents were supported and confirmed for you long ago. Tell me about all that!
Mitchell Bay: Laughs – oh my God that’s hilarious that you did that. I have gotten mixed reactions for Facebook Hoes, a friend of mine (I won’t say names cause I’m not trying to put anyone on blast, know what I’m sayin?) whom is a big part of our movement thinks it wasn’t the best choice to say that at the end because some people might hear that and wonder if I’m talking about them, and I was worried about that but then I realized that’s the reason why I said it… if you assume I’m talking about you, and you take offense to that, why does the shoe seem to fit for you? I literally was talking about no one specifically at all on the track, so it was crazy when I saw that my little song made people look at themselves that way. To answer your question though, my father got me started on Pac at a REAL early age, probably around six, in all honesty. He used to tell me that I couldn’t bring the CD to school and it was just our car music, that if I showed anyone else they would take it away from me (teachers or other parents if I lent it to my friends type deal) then Eminem just blew the fuck up all over the TV and my dad liked his rhyme patterns so he let me jam him too. Once I found out how to use the internet though I listened to the guys he wasn’t so much into, when I got into Big L he didn’t like that, which is kind of funny because Big L is probably my biggest influence along with Pac and Del The Funky Homosapien. But yeah for some reason the dark, grim boom bap of songs like “All Black” didn’t have my pops happy that’s for sure, Pac was more flashy, and made anything sound dope and acceptable, he also never actually sold drugs so you kind of looked at his shit like a movie, like watching “The Godfather”. Big L was a real gangster, his lyrics and flows were crazy too so he could explain how gangster he was in full detail and more. Dude was untouchable. I have my favorite rappers, and then I have ones who I recognize are the best based off their skill and not my opinion, Big L is definitely a favourite but I think he was the best to ever do it. He had the best look, voice, flow, lyrics, story telling, and he was just gutta as fuck. RIP Big L and Pac. But back to the original question as a kid I never showed anyone my raps, I wrote them and hid them so I wouldn’t get in trouble, and like you say I didn’t want people to hear it and discourage me. So I waited a long time to actually SHOW anyone, I did that when I was around 10 or 11. I actually wrote a rap and performed it for the DARE program, which is hilarious because I’m probably the exact opposite of what they would want performing now laughs hard but yeah when everyone showed me love for that I definitely got more comfortable, even though it was a joke song. But yeah I guess that you could say that was my first taste and the beginning of something special.
SBS: What I do like a lot about your music Mitchell, is that I DON’T hear Eminem. It is always hard for reviewers and interviews not to automatically compare the “white rapper” with Eminem; not only for the skin pigment but for the effort to rap & spit rhymes like he does as well. I can hear that you’ve gone in a different direction. In fact, for a west-coast guy Mitchell – your rap sounds incredibly east-coast influenced. But let’s talk about language. You use the notorious n-word with full pronunciation, which is rare to hear in the “white-rapper’s” repertoire…ground that is often tread upon lightly you’ve had no problem including in your work. I think it’s a guest-star on the “Lost Scriptures” track that stood out to me while using it…I started to wonder about what your perspective might be. It’s a tough one to answer – but…well, should there be any connotations still associated with the notorious n-word – bad or good, in your opinion? It’s tossed around with a lot of positives in today’s world, shedding the negative associations with the word over time. So what’s the deal? Is it just another word now – or is it something that still needs to be or should be considered when including in a verse?
Mitchell Bay: First things first shouts out to my man Carigamist from The Deadsea on that Lost Scriptures track he’s an incredible wordsmith and he’s definitely ready for the big time. Let me make it clear though that I myself have never once said the N word on any of my songs ever and I never will. That is not my word to say, it’s not a word for any white person to say. Racism is very real, and I don’t care how many black friends you have and how cool you think you are, if you are a white rapper you should not say the N word at least in my opinion. That is why I never have and never will in my music, so sorry for that confusion but I had to correct that because I don’t want people to think I’m something I’m not. BUT what I do have no problem with is having my buddies who perform with me say it; I’m not going to just tell them “nah man you can’t say that shit cause I’m white” they’d be like “FUCK YOU MEAN?” and just be confused. I don’t really think it’s just another word now, it shouldn’t be. White people shouldn’t say it, but we shouldn’t give it so much power either… like I think it’s fucked up that “er” and “a” seperate it being racist for some people. Tyler The Creator was pronouncing the hard ER on it on radio one time and they got so mad at him, and they don’t even realize that they are proving the point he’s trying to make. It’s not right that if he said it with GA instead of ER they wouldn’t have even noticed anything, that when you let “nigga” and “nigger” be different you give the word more room for power, so when he says it in an old racist white man voice, that’s him trying to take power away from that word. Shouts out to Tyler, I think he’s a creative genius and I had to say that real quick because his interviews are honestly the best to watch about this topic. But I guess to answer the question dead on, for black artists they should be free to use the word, because if they want to take a word that was used to hurt them a long time ago and use it in their music now to give their sound power (not saying that if you took the word out completely the power would be gone, I don’t mean that at all) and to push something positive, then let them do it. White rappers though? Well they shouldn’t consider anything to do with the word at all in their raps because that word shouldn’t even enter their mind when writing their music. Plain and simple, that is a no fly zone.
SBS: Lyrically speaking – what IS important for you to include in your rhymes homie?
Mitchell Bay: I try to have a bit of a lyrical circus, and infectious flow, and a bit of personal stories thrown into a blender laughs but a good variety too. I never want to get pigeonholed, I have gotten bored of a lot of rappers because I feel their concepts and lyrics are too similar in all of their songs, that’s why you see me touch on so many things lyrically. Partying is ok, it’s not “Not Hip Hop” to talk about it, it’s fun and can be some of the best times of your life but if your music is JUST about partying your going to be one of the people contributing to the negative stereotypes of rap, you have to find a good balance or zone to get in or your basically fucked. You can make money for a bit but you won’t pass the five year challenge that’s for sure. What’s most important though is that it’s coming from a genuine place emotion wise, I don’t care if you actually shoot people or not but if you rap about it in a way that I can tell you aren’t serious, and that you aren’t trying to say you’re something you’re not but I can still FEEL your raw energy then I have love for it if that makes sense. If you’re doing it just to make money myself and a lot of other people pick up on that…nobody likes to be used.
SBS: Personally, if I had to go with a “Whitey,” I’d go with someone like Mickey Avalon as a comparison to your style. Listening to your style on the mic on a track like “SumDaze” really has that…I don’t know…it’s like the guy who was silent at the party only an hour earlier, had a few drinks, grabbed the mic and everybody went “Whaaaaaaaaaaaaat?” But like Mickey Avalon, and regardless of fact or fiction – each of your tracks really does seem to tell its own separate story. I listen to another track of yours like “Dimes” and I start to think of what the physical representation of this song would look like – you know, verse on paper…I’m thinking this ‘story’ becomes much more like a novel! So what does that look like exactly? How long does it take you to finalize a rhyme?
Mitchell Bay: I love Mickey Avalon and Dirt Nasty so that’s cool man I appreciate it, usually I’m not too big on comparisons unless they make sense but when you explain it I’m honestly flattered. I rarely write my verses all at one time anymore. I have an incredibly messy process I just kind of write and work on multiple things all at one time and let it build, sometimes I carry techniques I learn from writing new songs into the older songs, making that older song ten times better, then I’m sitting there like “Damn! Imagine if I released this before I threw it in the vault and just chipped away at it? It wouldn’t be half as good!” so it really depends, sometimes a day, or days, or weeks, or months. It’s all very unpredictable and exciting for me.
SBS: Another random one here. I’m back on “FaceBookHoes” again… But I also noticed that at the very end of the track you shout out a quick “Do Work.” Now brother – I am PLUGGED IN – don’t let this beard fool you into thinking I’m older than the stone-age…that’s a quote made famous by none other than Big Black and it also comes back in “Move Over,” “Notebooks” and “Love Sosa.” So I’m thinking you’ve gotta be a fan of the man himself, probably the shows Rob And Big as well as Rob Dyrdek’s Fantasy Factory. Word to that. There might not even be a question in all of that – I’m just a fan too! Comment if you like!
Mitchell Bay: Yeah I have used that phrase throughout my career kind of for a few years. I’m not selling anything with it on it, because Big Black and Rob did say it first and I’m not trying to steal it from them, but yeah I say it in most of my songs, when I say it I just mean do you. No matter what you do, put all of your effort into it, never half-ass anything. If you’re a hard worker, no matter the job and you put food on the table, and are a good person and have respect for your fellow human, to me that’s “Doin Work” if you’re out doing illegal things because that’s your only option you have, that’s “Doin Work” legitimately or crime, I don’t care. You’re doin work, but if you sit there and pity yourself and let excuses get in the way of chasing your dreams or making goals and aspirations for yourself, you aren’t “Doin” shit. So I guess that’s why I say it so much, also a big fan of Rob and Big though! Not so much into ridiculousness, but I do miss the old fantasy factory and Rob & Big days!
SBS: WHOA! You might have answered this in the last reference to “Do Work” – but I just jumped to your YouTube Channel and here I see you’ve actually got the channel DOWORKPRODS! UNREAL. But alright – I can also see what’s going on here too…there’s not been a new video for about 4 months now! Mitchell Bay – where have you BEEN and when are you coming BACK to the screen? Word on the street says really soon…
Mitchell Bay: Yeah I wanted to start only putting music videos and extremely exclusive and big single releases on there. Yeah I guess I might as well confirm the rumours officially through you guys – I will be returning to YouTube on Halloween to premiere my track with BC legend – Evil Ebenezer. Make sure you check it out. It’s crazy to have a song with him… I used to skip school and smoke doobies & shit to his tunes in the baseball dugouts by my school and now it’s like, shit, kids are going to be doing shit like that (hanging out, having a time) to OUR song. It’s nuts, fucking surreal actually. I feel as though I’m a symbol of hard work paying off and am living breathing proof that where you live does NOT limit you. It feels great. But yeah Halloween I will be returning to YouTube so the world better get ready. Also I’m thinking about dropping a 5 song tape 2 days after just because.
SBS: Getting serious about the music – you mentioned that you purchase independent beats and keep it indie like that…tell me about that process. How exactly does that work? Where did you find these producers and what is it about a beat that stands out to you enough that you want to purchase it? How do you know it’s the right one for what you do?
Mitchell Bay: I used to be one of those kids who just downloads free beats and did it for promo or whatever, but then I used the internet to meet a lot of REALLY talented people. Especially producers. We’re all weirdos, we’re all trippy as fuck and it’s great combinations. I love working with Debars and Class Act, I’m working on two separate EPs right now, one of them are songs JUST produced by Debars and the other JUST produced by Class Act, recently I have been in talks with lots of dope new producers too, including StrangeZoo (he also raps as well as produces, dude is crazy), Mozaic, and brandUn DeShay. The internet is crazy like that man, most of the producers and rappers I mess with are out of Florida and New York, there’s only a couple Canadian musicians that I am affiliated with, so that’s why my sound is so different from a lot of kids in my position. I have been told I have a good ear for beats, that I never pick a bad one. That they are different; and I stand by that. I guess over time I just got good at knowing what sounds good, and then on top of that learned what I sound good on, but I have to like it. I could sound amazing on it but if I myself don’t like it then things won’t work.
SBS: Once you have that ideal beat for your rhyme – do you have any additional hand in the production or mixing of the tracks when it comes to the final assembly or your own vocals? What other roles do you play concerning your music?
Mitchell Bay: I mix the vocals as well as I can, I’m in no way a producer but I handle all of my own compressions, equalize things and whatnot, I try to learn more about it every day and I think it gets more and more obvious what I’m learning as time goes because my music sounds better from an audio quality stand point. So I guess you could say I handle my voice production on 99% of my tracks.
SBS: “Love Sosa.” Let’s talk about the polarizing issue of auto-tuned vocals. People certainly love it or hate it – believe me, I still hear about that issue all the time on my side of the screen. What most people don’t understand is that it still needs to be used WELL for it to work WELL, as in – it actually DOES require skill to use properly and effectively. It doesn’t just “do the work for you,” like so many people assume it does. Give us some insight on that Mitchell – what’s the key to making this work?
Mitchell Bay: Man I think it’s so stupid what people say about autotune. What people need to realize is this: There is SO much editing and filtering that goes through your voice when you record, the addition of autotune really is nothing compared to all the other artificial shit that gets done to your voice in the editing process to make you sound good, auto tune really shouldn’t piss people off as much as it does. Like you said man, you got to make that vocal effect work. You will die of embarrassment if you just rap like your normally would with autotune on, because it will sound so silly. You literally have to approach recording SO differently when you take the auto tune approach in order to make it sound good. Someone like Lil Wayne or Future have the perfect voice before it because they stretch their vocals so much and they both have that bullfrog raspiness in their throat so it sounds so dope when they use it on their voices, but someone like Soulja Boy? No. It doesn’t work, because he just raps the same as he would normally, doesn’t change it to suit the autotune so people already hate him then you throw something that people have a hate on for like autotune in there it’s perfect for haters to jump on to. Same with Wayne man, he doesn’t rap the same without autotune as he does when he has it. It’s all about stretching your vocals the right way and finding your “autotune recording” voice.
SBS: Sometimes I also think about the identifying marks on music over time. You know, how you can listen to a track from the 70’s funk era and know it. Or the identifiable coked-up pop-rock of the 80’s, grunge of the 90’s etc etc. But perhaps one of those etc’s is going to be the Auto-tuned music nation of the 2010’s…what do you think? Possible? Those same amazing attributes that let you know where the track fit into the musical timeline, are also the same very things that make them sound dated. So Mitchell…I guess what I’m really wondering is…is there ANY way for any musician or rapper out there to not become dated? I mean…we all make music in our own time period and it’s tough not to be influenced and aware of what else is going on around us…to not have it creep into our work…you feel me? How do we transcend past the here and now and create tracks that could be considered timeless?
Mitchell Bay: It all lies in your subject material. You have to write lyrics that can be dug up at any time and still be relevant. Dr Dre is a genius for that because (even though he doesn’t write a lot of his lyrics) he never mentions the years of cars really or the years of this that and the third, or how he’s got the new addition of some brand, because he knows that fads come and go and people can figure out what timeframe your coming from if your music is just laced with those fads. Also another good example is Deltron 3030’s self-titled debut album. That album will last forever because the story has timeless elements. Like I mean it’s set in the year 3030 and people will always be into the whole space/time travel thing.
SBS: I’m a little ridiculous when it comes to research sometimes… And considering I’m probably just another “FaceBookHo,” well… naturally I creeped your wall. Just a couple days back – you commented on wanting to go to the gym to get that “Chris Brown rapper body.” Duuuuuuuuuude!
The first thought that passed through my mind was ‘does anyone REALLY want a Chris Brown ANYTHING anymore? There’s no doubt that he’s a talented artist – but he’s also one that crossed publicly a very fine line and forever married opinions of his personal life to his music forever, for many.
So what’s the story Mitchell? I’m not looking for hot Chris Brown gossip here – what I want to know is whether or not everyone deserves a second chance, maybe a third or even a fourth…know what I mean? Can people change?
Mitchell Bay: I think everyone deserves a second chance to a certain degree, ya know? Like you can mess up REALLY bad, and deserve a lot of chances after as long as your intentions are right, because sometimes shit just gets twisted like that. Life happens and people fuck up and do shit that I’m sure they feel horrible about and are not proud of, you don’t know how you got yourself in the situation but your just there out of nowhere and all you can do is sit there and feel like a piece of shit. That’s when you deserve another chance. None of that’s related to Chris Brown btw, I’ll keep my opinion of that situation to myself but I will say one thing about dude’s music, I think it is dope and I do like jamming it, laughs, and I will achieve that Chris Brown rapper body it’s bout to get dangerous, laughs uncontrollably… But in all seriousness though, bottom line to answer your question I do believe people can change, if people are open enough to them. It’s hard to be the bigger man/woman and just accept something for what it is and it’s hard to forgive someone and give them that second chance, because it’s hard to tell what’s genuine, but when it is genuine man it is well worth the risk.
SBS: What would you say is the key element in identifying a rhyme spit direct from the mouth of Mitchell Bay? What’s your perspective on what we might hear as a common element in your rap that would let us know as listeners that we’re hearing Mitchell Bay?
Mitchell Bay: My voice is pretty unique I think. Lyrics and flow aside my voice seems to be my stand out signature, it’s this really hazy straight out the hot-boxed sunfire type shit and it’s hilarious but dope and respectable at the same time, like playful but serious. I believe that helps draw people in, my voice often gets across my emotions, and I think I was just gifted with a voice that sounds good when rapping. I’m very grateful for that. That and the spacey, traditional beat selection as well.
SBS: Hmm. Never thought about asking this before…let’s see what happens here… Do you consider yourself a musician? Rapper? Are they different or are they truly one and the same?
Mitchell Bay: I consider myself a musician and I honestly believe to an extent they are one in the same. If you are just a goof that doesn’t know what you’re doing and you call yourself a rapper, you are neither a rapper nor a musician, you are playing dress up. If you are real about it though and committed, then you are a musician. Especially if you have been doing it for a while and have your own techniques developed…if that makes sense.
SBS: Geographically speaking – you’re in a somewhat tough location in a small town of Northern Vancouver Island, where every tour you’ll ever go on instantly starts in the negative financially due to insane ferry costs. Hopefully you’ll be able to just walk on with your mic in hand and cut the cost down, cause as I’m sure you know once you add that vehicle into the ferry cost it rises considerably… That being said – the music still has to get out there somehow and live shows are one of those main forms. Any plans for some time on the mainland soon or shows coming up of any kind?
Mitchell Bay: Yeah man my plan is to move, laughs – it’s hard man you basically can’t tour or do many shows living here. I have kind of just built this crazy little following I guess and it’s starting to bubble. It’s going to get to the point soon where when I want to move (next summer) I will have access to studios thus getting more professional sounding work, gaining experience, and THEN I will hit the shows. First start local; then hopefully go to the mainland! I literally have only done one show in my life, it was here in town I think it was like over 100 kids that wound up showing up overall, at first I sucked pretty bad but I warmed up to it then it was a decent show towards the end and I had a great time. Ever since that night I have been working on stage presence, watching endless DVDs, studying performers, stuff like that. When I do get a show going it will be entertaining. I do need to build that first tho, which will happen but right now I’m kind of pulling a Frank Ocean and sort of disappearing for a while, working on myself and my music. Taking my time, which feels great and it makes it better for the fans because they get better quality shit and I don’t release TOO much so they don’t get tired of me.
SBS: Being out there on the island also somewhat limits the shows you can SEE as well. Tell me about the best concert YOU have ever been to Mitchell. Who played and what made that entire night as kickass as it was?
Mitchell: Hands down the best concert I have seen was last month in Vancouver it was Logic, Big Sean, and Kid Cudi I have seen close to 100 different performers from KISS, Skynyrd, Primus, Tragically Hip, Wyclef,Ice Cube, Snoop Dogg (twice), Busta Rhymes etc. etc. etc. (festivals are amazing) but Cudi topped them all man. I was so close to the stage and he came out on this moon rock in a moon suit and I was just hammered – shout out to my buddy Brandon he was right at the front pretty much, I was like a row or two behind him (floor tickets) and dude that guy’s performance is crazy the way he dances and literally looks at everyone in the eyes and just was so happy, it was genuine. He didn’t just auto pilot his way through the set, he was having as much fun as us and I have never seen that before. I would love to meet him one day, I would thank him for that performance because it has elevated me as an artist and all I did was watch it. Awesome crowd too.
SBS: How about some website info brother-man. Where do you want people to find you and your work on the internet?
Mitchell Bay: Hit me up on Twitter follow the leader @Mitchellbizzay Tim Westwood Voice
Like my page on Facebook “Mitchell Bay” and shit if you want add me on there too
SBS: Open floor! Mitchell Bay it has been an extreme pleasure to learn about you and your music and thank you so much for doing this interview with us. Use this next space to comment on ANYTHING else at all you’d like to talk about, anything I forgot to mention or passed over, predictions for the year 2028…I’m not here to put words in your mouth brother – say whatever you like!
Mitchell Bay: Just want to say shouts out to you guys for supporting great artists like me and helping give us a voice, I also want to say to all the Hip Hop/Rap fans out there be stoked for Halloween because crazy amounts of dope stuff is coming out that day Mellowhigh is droppin, Tales From The Underground, Young Cheeb is dropping Purple House, and last but not least I’m dropping my sure to be groovy track with Evil Ebenezer! This is going to be a great day so be sure to support good music and buy whatever of those projects are for sale man…if you got the cash that is, we do this all day every day for y’all and we love you for your support so let’s make an impact for music on this day! DO WORK!
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