Mike Di Lorenzo – “Holding All My Love” Feat. Anna Moore

 Mike Di Lorenzo – “Holding All My Love” Feat. Anna Moore

Mike Di Lorenzo – “Holding All My Love” Feat. Anna Moore – Single Review

Ohhhhh I tell ya folks…even after all these reviews I’ve written over this past decade, you’d still be surprised by how much knowledge I draw from when it comes to the catalog of tunes in my head.  All gained from a solid upbringing in a musically-inclined household and a steady diet of cycling through the radio dials long ago…I might claim to have been born Grunge, but the reality is, I was listening to tunes long before that.  It’s relevant to listening to this particular tune here, called “Holding All My Love” by Mike Di Lorenzo, which actually borrows quite a bit from the pre-Grunge era, where Pop still ruled the airwaves even more powerfully than it does now.  If you’re looking for comparisons to what a song like this one sounds like, I’d readily be pointing directly to key names of the early 90s like Lisa Stansfield or even CeCe Peniston.  Did I listen to both of’em as a young kid?  You bet I did, and I still dig’em even now!

From what I understand, this new single from Di Lorenzo, coming out this March 24th, was co-written by Anna Moore, who gives a brilliant performance with her vocals on this track.  Stylish, slick, bold and radiantly beautiful – she’s a perfect fit into the jazzy groove that Mike’s created on his keyboards and through the production on “Holding All My Love.”  Everything seems to fit seamlessly, and as a result, the fluidity of this single has the two of these superstars moving in tandem on a unified front – when it comes to what you’ll hear on “Holding All My Love,” I don’t think any of us could have asked them for anything more than exactly what we get.  Mike’s clearly got a great grip on how to find the right sounds & create the right vibe for a song like this, and Anna’s every bit as much a born professional on the mic.

So with the quality-control clearly in-line, the only real elephant in the room still, is the fact that I’ve cited comparisons and references that are nearly thirty years in the past.  Is that going to matter?  To be truthful, I doubt that it will affect the course of where “Holding All My Love” will fit out there on the playlists of people around the globe, and there are plenty of spaces online & on the radio that would love to have something new that reminds them of the vibes they grew up on.  If it helps, you could cite other names like Sophie B. Hawkins, Vanessa Williams, or even a titan of the industry like Madonna herself when it comes to Anna’s vocals just past the 2:10 mark when she leans in to whisper to ya.  You get the idea, and you can practically imagine the kind of sound she’s workin’ with even before you hear this tune for yourself – Moore’s keeping excellent company with a timeless sound that people still love to this very day.  That’s equally true of the style & sound of the music as well.  While it’s fair to say that what you’ll hear on “Holding All My Love” would be typically less common out there in the mainstream today than how much it dominated the past, if the cyclical nature of music is every bit as true as it has always been, it’s possible that a track like this might actually be ahead of that next wave of Pop/R&B.

Personally, I think what creates timelessness more-so than anything else is professionalism, attention to detail, and genuine quality…that’s what makes sounds like something that could be compared to the early 90s still be every bit as relevant today as it was back then.  In that respect, you’ve gotta hand it to both Mike and Anna for the work they’ve put into this song and how it has all the classic ingredients, in addition to an undeniably catchy set of hooks that run through both the music and the microphone.  From the bounce of the synth & keyboard sounds, to the soulfully expressive way that Anna sings at her most vibrant moments, or the way she gets in that close up whisper for ya…they’ve really left us with nothing to complain about…everything fits, and everything has found the place where it truly belongs.  There is great low-end rhythm and groove in the music here…solid use of the dynamics and space in the song…charming and charismatic vocals…the kind of love-themed lyricism you’d practically expect to find with this kind of vibe…and what is that – is that a hint of the ol’ horns around the two-minute mark too?  I think it just might be…and it’s like the cherry on top!  If anything, I suppose I’d have taken an ounce more of that in the mix, but make no mistake, I ain’t complaining – Mike Di Lorenzo and Anna Moore have done an outstanding job with this material and sound relentlessly professional in the process.  I dig the throwback vibe, and I maintain that it’s every bit as relevant now as it ever was, with a happy home found on the playlists of millions of listeners around the globe; they’ll love to add this tune into the mix.

Find out more about Mike Di Lorenzo at his official website at:  www.mikedilorenzo.com

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