Michael Carter – “More To Me” Feat. Antonia Marquee & Michael Washington

 Michael Carter – “More To Me” Feat. Antonia Marquee & Michael Washington

Dig this man right here – Michael Carter’s got the right idea, the right influences guiding him along, and certainly a plethora of skillful artists more than willing to lend their time & talents to collaborations that dive deep into the old-school of R&B/Soul, which you’ll find all throughout his latest record You’ve Been Good To Me.  I’m a huge fan of people out there that use their abilities for the greater good – and that seems to be exactly what Carter is all about, in addition to making some seriously solid music to keep ya entertained in the process.  Introducing us to two stunning singers to go along with the smooth & chilled-out vibes flowing through the atmosphere of his latest single “More To Me” – Carter has enlisted the A-list talents of Antonia Marquee & Michael Washington to bring their soulful sound to the vocals you’ll hear, with each of them making the most of every moment through stellar performances that add genuine depth, meaning & emotion into these words they’re singing.  Supported by a stylistically slick & vibrantly colorful video that complements the sentiment of this song and it’s embrace of such an impressive & expressive array of thoughts, feelings, and emotions in the mix – “More To Me” makes a visual impact through its vivid imagery, beautiful look, and collage of people out there from far & wide across the globe, proudly being their own authentic selves.  Conceptually, it echoes the spirit of the song; think of the video like Carter’s holding up the mirror to each & every one of you out there, reminding us all that there’s something special in each of us, and more to us all.

Essentially, “More To Me” is the kind of song everyone out there can appreciate on one level or another; this collaborative effort yields sparkling results all-around, and delivers on a sensory sound you can truly feel flow within ya as you listen.  Incredibly grounded, “More To Me” is more than mere entertainment, it’s a song with purpose, insightful perspective, and humble superstars on display from the music to the microphone.  Relatable & real – “More To Me” is bound to connect to the people out there listening, and by offering up a song that’s stunningly vulnerable, honest, and loaded with meaningful lyricism, this single stands every chance of finding the ears that need to hear its messages most – because there IS more to all of us – and I felt like Carter, Marquee, and Washington created an outstanding reminder of the uniqueness we all have individually, and share the joy in together.  Empowering, uplifting, sweet, and savvy – “More To Me” is as insightful as it is entertaining, and delivers on soulful sound from start to finish; from the fantastic clarity in the production of the music & its neon bounce, to the remarkable guest stars we’re introduced to in Marquee & Washington – this single’s got every chance, opportunity, and advantage it needs to slide right through your speakers and make itself a home right inside your heart – check out Michael Carter’s latest video from his new album You’ve Been Good To Me below!

You’ll find Michael Carter’s inspirational & positive attitude extends far beyond his music as well.  He’s a pastor, motivational speaker, author, and truly altruistic man on a mission to do what he can to spread love, joy, passion, positivity and music wherever he goes – and you gotta dig that y’all!  The world needs a whole lot more Michael Carters in it, that’s for sure – I’m thankful we’ve got the one we have & grateful to have his positive influence out there in the music-scene we share.

Find out more about Michael Carter from the official pages below!

Instagram:  https://www.instagram.com/pastormike129

YouTube:  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPytBifuJbu7gibGqewfSaw

Apple Music:  https://music.apple.com/us/artist/michael-carter/291251

Spotify:  https://open.spotify.com/artist/15QIUA65MCHYVo0Z1T4Zgk

Amazon:  https://www.amazon.com/Michael-Carter/e/B07L8582KL

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