Margarita Mantis – “Though The Poppies Grow”

 Margarita Mantis – “Though The Poppies Grow”

Margarita Mantis – “Though The Poppies Grow” – Music Video Post

Back with a brand-new video to support her brand-new album, artist Margarita Mantis returned in 2024 with the release of “Though The Poppies Grow,” her first official offering since her Ocean Of Life EP that we reviewed here on our pages back in the summer of last year.  We’ll be discussing her latest record called Jejune in-depth sometime during the weekend coming up, but to start things off, we figured we’d post up the single that was originally dropped in advance of the record online to give you a sneak peak of what you can expect to find when we get Mantis’ music back in review here at sleepingbagstudios.

And so here you are!  Check it out for yourself and click play on “Though The Poppies Grow” below!

I would have been surprised to have found this video/song to have been about anything else other than war.  That’s not a slight, that’s simply me pointing out that, while imagery and meanings for certain things can fluctuate and change over the years, the symbolism of the poppy is practically untouchable.  And rightly so – its image is entwined with the meaning we’ve ascribed to it, and merely upon seeing one or hearing the flower’s name, we instantly begin to remember all the fallen soldiers that have been forced into the act of war for about as long as the human race has existed for in some measure or form.  Essentially, as beautiful as the flower itself may be, it will always be associated with many of the worst aspects of what this world has put its people through.

As Margarita herself will tell you in this first single from Jejune, “War is a rich man’s playground” – and so far as we’ve ever seen, she’s certainly not wrong about that.  Thanks to artificial lines we’ve chosen to draw on maps, resources we covet from other countries, different cultures, beliefs, and most certainly religions – war, and/or the threat of MORE war, has been an unfortunate part of everyone’s reality from the moment they came out of the womb.  Mantis is definitely correct in her assessment of it being “a rich man’s playground” – the elites of any society are generally untouched by the scathing brutality that war requires, yet are also the same exact people that are always in charge of sending others to their death in battle.  The common man and woman have continuously been the victims of war, which still remains to be true to this very day – and these are the real heroes of our world.  You’ll see countless soldiers who have played their part in the ultimate sacrifice onscreen throughout the video that Mantis has put together to support “Though The Poppies Grow,” and you can’t help but feel the weight of the seriousness that comes along with such grim pictures.  We feel that weight and despair, because each and every one of us knows that somehow war could have, and should have, been avoided at all costs.

But that’s just the thing.  When you’re likely to never be touched by its horrors, and even more likely to make some kind of profit off of such atrocities, what incentive would there ever be for these rich men to not continue playing their evil war games?  These are the same people that have found ways to justify the normalization of violence in society in order to achieve their devious ends and horrifying ambitions.  People – good people – remain the pawns of the human race, without feeling like we even have a sense of choice in the matter.  When duty calls, it’s those same good people that are always there to answer it, ready to battle the forces of a perceived evil in effort to preserve their way of life.  “Though The Poppies Grows” is a reminder of the real price being paid in behind the “rich man’s playground,” and detailed as vividly, poetic, and direct as you’d expect from a fearless artist like Mantis who is always willing to share her point of view & speak up on important issues that most would never dare at times it’s needed most.

Make sure to check back this weekend to read the review of her brand-new album Jejune – rest assured I’ll have plenty more to say about “Though The Poppies Grow,” in addition to the other fourteen tracks on the album.

Until that time arrives, be sure to find out more about Margarita Mantis at her official pages below!

Main Website:





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