Marcus Christ – “It Goes Down” / “Shots All Night”

Marcus Christ – “It Goes Down” / “Shots All Night” – Singles Review
Believe it or not, it has actually been over nine years since the last time we had Marcus Christ featured on our pages. “Still in the game, ain’t the same like they saw me.” He’s back – let’s see what’s changed…
It can be tough to really examine a comeback, and to be fair to Marcus, it’s not like the guy hasn’t been busy. It seems like it’s been about five years since he was really last active online, with the exception of a few tracks that came out in 2024 that predate the arrival of his latest record, Whittier California. So, I suppose what I’m saying, is that it’s not really necessarily a comeback…I mean…we all know what it was like to try and get anything done between 2019 – 2024 during the pandemic era. “It goes down in these trenches…I’m just minding my business,” as he says. Now here we are, in 2025, and the dude’s got a brand-new album out that is beginning to circulate through its life cycle online. The question becomes – is he right to claim it “ain’t the same like they saw me” – or is this essentially the same MC we knew from way back in the day? “No Doubt” he was rocking with a different sound in the music back in 2015 when we first had the opportunity to listen to the man, and if that particular single was what we had to go on, I suppose you could say he was willing to get a little more in your face with the humor aspect in his rhymes. “It Goes Down” definitely has a much more serious vibe than what we remember, but also leans on some familiar moves in the way he approaches the game overall. Marcus is still using several layers of vocals for his bars, which I wouldn’t necessarily say is the wrong way to go about it, but the end result can end up sounding very similar for any artist or band from start to finish if you’re not too careful with it. In a way, I’d say that effect ends up producing that kind of result here, because it ends up being the few lines where Christ takes away that second or third layer that tends to make the most impact on us…that’s where we hear a bit of sonic deviation, and up until that point, on an audible level, you can hear the guy has to really battle and get LOUD in order to establish the difference & versatility in the sound of what’s comin’ from the mic. The easier way to achieve what he’s likely looking for is to strip away those extra layers of vocals, straight up. That would allow the vocals to breathe more, and give the man the opportunity to flex some genuine expression in a way that people can hear it. Right now, I’d say that he’s still giving that his best attempt, but subtleties get buried when you’re using multiple layers of vocals, whereas when you’re rocking with one, we hear everything you’re intending to do. Like I said, that’s exactly why the most impactful lines of “It Goes Down” end up occurring right towards the end in the finale, where we really get to hear MC, unfiltered. Other than that, the way he phrases and meters his rhymes is still similar to what we remember as well…so…you know…it’s really a matter of perspective and how you wanna look at it – is Marcus rocking with signature sound, or is he resisting his own evolution as an artist? He’s the only one that really knows the answer to that question. If he’s got people listening as much as he’d like them to, then no harm no foul – if not, then it’s likely long past time to make some adjustments. “It Goes Down” is a solid cut, don’t get me wrong, but even with the difference in the vibe of the music, it still ends up feeling like a fairly lateral move after nine years away from us on these pages of ours. Not a bad track by any means, but I’ve always gotta push for more.
As far as “Shots All Night” is concerned…I dunno Marcus…I’ve gotta call things like I hear’em, and I feel like he’s still missing an opportunity to shake things up from what we’ve heard, to what he can really do. Looking at it from my perspective, I was obviously hoping the guy would be back after nine years, ready to blow the covers right off my speakers…and if I’m being real with the man, I’m not so sure he’s not just goin’ through the motions, you know? Again, I’m not dismissing what he creates, nor am I disrespecting him either – there is nothing wrong with cuts like “It Goes Down” or “Shots All Night” – but as an artist, you’ve gotta ask the question about whether or not that’s how you want the music to be described, you feel me? He’s “having fun, it’s cool” – and if that’s what it is, then you don’t have to worry about a single thing I’ve said…but if he’s looking to do a bit more with his music, he’s still got room to find more diversity in what he creates beyond the beat. I don’t think any artist or band really goes into making music with the desire to have their cuts not make some kind of groundbreaking impact, and I would only imagine that after nearly a decade away, you’d want folks to really hear the growth in what you do. Of the two tracks I’ve got here…I’ve got concerns…I’m just not quite convinced that I’m hearing Marcus find that way to really make these moments memorable through the hooks or through the performances he’s put in. I want more outta him, because I know he’s passionate about what he does – and I want that to be what guides the man to clear, decisive victories. These cuts sound a little on the safe side – and the fact is, none of us really have anything to lose in the independent scene – take chances, because it’ll pay off…it’ll level you up…it’ll evolve your craft and expand your potential reach. Like, take the start of “Shots All Night” for example…I’m not saying that MC necessarily got it entirely perfected, but I do appreciate the fact that he was attempting to do things a little differently there, whereas he slides a bit more into familiar terrain & a flow we know when it comes time to rock the second set of bars. As far as the main hook of the chorus goes…the idea ain’t bad, but I don’t know if this is it either, you follow me?
I think the man has got more in the tank than he’s currently showing us…or more than he’s maybe shown us all along…and while I know that’s not usually the number one thing that people wanna hear, my only responsibility is to the artists & bands I work with, and doing the best I can to be truthful with them in a way that others won’t so they can continually level up. Don’t get it twisted, these tracks are good enough if he’s just looking to make music for his own enjoyment or as a hobby. I want more outta Marcus Christ – but more importantly, I want him to want more out of himself, so that he reaches that crucial next level…and as always, I wouldn’t be pushing at all if I didn’t think the potential was there.
Find more music from Marcus Christ at his official YouTube channel here:
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