Maps – “Laid Back”

 Maps – “Laid Back”

The perfect time for this track is right NOW.  For real…it don’t matter what time it is wherever you are, “Laid Back” is the kind of jazzy instrumental beat that can always find space in your daily soundtrack.  With pro bass tones adding rhythm to the low-end, and a melodic atmosphere brightening the surface, Maps Music – aka M2 – has created a seriously accessible jam with “Laid Back” that’s bound to be universally loved by the people out there listening – this is as chill as chill can be yo!  The vibe is strong with this one for sure.  “Laid Back” comes from the Maps record Instrumental Connection 1 – which at the time of this posting, is already the first of four collections of ‘connections’ – M2 recently put out the fourth installment, Instrumental Connection 4 in 2018.  Dude’s put out what looks like at least eight records over the past five years or so…definitely safe to say that Maps knows his way around the studio boards and how to achieve sound results!  Have a listen to “Laid Back” by Maps from the official audio-posting below!

Find more music from Maps at iTunes right here:

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