Made Alive – “Made Alive”

Made Alive – “Made Alive” – Single Review
Been a great day to come back to the homepage post-vacation…lots of excellent tunes flying through the mix here and these speakers of ours, and this new single “Made Alive” by Made Alive is certainly included in that. It’s about as faith-based as faith-based tunes can get…and if that’s your jam, then right on, you’ll get even more out of this single without question – but even if it’s not, they’ve got grooves running all the way through this track that can’t possibly be denied. What excites me most perhaps, is that you just don’t come across religiously devout sounds like what Made Alive are creating here every day – which already gives them a true edge out there when it comes to faith-based music-fans for sure – but it goes even deeper than that in my opinion. You see, for myself personally, what I find the genre so often lacks, is that echo of the inspiration that the Lord provides these artists/bands with – and in my humble opinion, as a person outside of the faith-based community – I truly do believe that should be present, accounted for, and fully on display. Somewhere, you should be able to hear it in the music.
That spirit, spark, and inspiration I’m looking for, is right here on “Made Alive” – and I have a feeling that the religious community out there will really love what they find in this talented husband/wife duo. What they’ve created here on this self-anthem embraces Jesus with the firmest grip of conviction you’ll likely hear, while also finding incredible ways to pack in remarkably relevant & accessible sound that’s bound to pull in even more potential listeners. We all connect with different things when it comes to music…I’m a self-professed melody-man through & through – that’s usually what’ll grab me most – and Made Alive has plenty of it here, perfectly executed. You want hot musicianship? Try the guitar solo of this tune on for size and tell me how it fits ya – because believe me when I say, that’s pretty much all the passion you wanna hear coming out of your speakers all day, every day. Vocally, it scorches there too – Katie Payton brings heat to the mic with an inspired performance and in the mix, they’ve added some excellent ideas in the mix through the effects & layers that come along with the melody & energy she pours into the microphone. Lyrically, Made Alive makes no apologies or attempt to hide exactly who they are and their true love of Jesus Christ – and like I implied earlier, that’s all I’m ever asking for. You can audibly hear what their faith means to them in every word & note you’ll hear on “Made Alive” – and it’s commitment like this that has the strength to pull in new fans even outside of the faith-based music community. I’ve got no problem turning this tune up right where the volume belongs, neither will you.
If you’re looking for mainstream comparisons…as oddly comparable as it may be, Made Alive sounds something like The Dandy Warhols, only with a relentlessly upbeat personality akin to the B-52’s Kate Pierson up front on the mic instead. Both Brian and Katie bring their A-game to “Made Alive” – I’d probably go as far as to argue that this is what it sounds like when two people are meant to do what they’re doing. As I’ve often said on these pages of ours, passion truly matters – and these two have plenty of it, for music, for their faith, for entertaining you, and ultimately, delivering His message to the people out there listening. Made Alive has a ton of advantages over the rest and I fully stand behind them as an exciting alternative to what many listeners outside of the faith-based community believe it could sound like – they’re going their own route here, and ultimately I think they’re ready to supply the entire genre with the jolt of energy it could truly use to assist in inspiring new believers. From the sounds of “Made Alive,” it sure seems like they’ve tapped into a uniquely engaging & enticing way to rock to God – and the unwavering commitment they bring to their music & words will seriously impress ya.
Find out more about Made Alive from their page at Facebook here:
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