Lydia Salett Dudley – “Whatcha Gonna Say?” Featuring K Hill

“Stand strong – may your actions speak louder than your words.”
Absolutely loving every bit of this single from artist/activist Lydia Salett Dudley featuring K Hill – “Whatcha Gonna Say?” is a perfect example of people doing their part to have those actions we’re talking about, speak volumes for the moment – and I can’t personally think of a better way to start the week here than with this powerful reminder to SAY THEIR NAMES. Everything about this song – literally everything – is completely on-point; from the music to the microphone, the lyrics, production, instrumentation, the lead & the featured guest-star in the mix – you couldn’t ask for more from Lydia and the crew of ace-talent she’s surrounded by in creating the exceptionally soulful & stylistic sound of “Whatcha Gonna Say?” – this is how to get the word out, and make the impact the message is seeking. Jaw-dropping excellence at work here…and there’s zero-doubt about it from moment ONE y’all – you hear the way the music lights-up the speakers within seconds, you get the spectacular lead performance from Lydia and an entire song’s worth of meaningful lyricism, you get the essential guest-spot from K Hill, which is incidentally where the quote up top comes from. Supported by a video that drives the point home – “Whatcha Gonna Say?” will have you movin’ & groovin’ as you’re singing along – and you can take some real pride in goin’ loud’n’proud with that – the humanitarian & altruistic sentiment & intentions of a song like this are designed to create awareness; whatever help we can be in assisting from singing along to posting up Lydia’s message right here on our channels & pages, we’re right there doing what we can to support however we can. Because just as this collaborative points out here, it’s not just about words, it’s about action – and seeing Lydia & her crew come out with such an inspired & important song proves they’re all ready to get into some real good trouble for all the right reasons, sounding so decisively fantastic in the process…well let’s just say, these are the reasons I get out of bed in the morning. Thank-you for speaking up at putting art into action when the world needs it most Lydia & K Hill – you and this entire crew of talent in the band playing are superheroes in our universe here. Check out this single/video for yourself below – and put this inspiration they’ve graciously & courageously supplied us with to action by fighting for change daily, and voting for it this year in your elections, wherever they are held – YOU can make a difference, so “Whatcha Gonna Say?”
Find out more about Lydia Salett Dudley at her official homepage here:
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