lil margaret – “sorrow in the air”

 lil margaret – “sorrow in the air”

lil margaret – “sorrow in the air” – Music Video Post

Here’s a lil’ something for the late-night crowd…

Everybody out here posting up their shit in ALL CAPS all the time, and lil margaret be like, fuck that, I don’t ever use capital letters y’all.  Dude’s got his thing, that’s for sure…I think it’s fair to say that after checking out this video for lil margaret’s “sorrow in the air” we can all agree that there ain’t too many people out there doing what he’s doing or the way that he’s doin’ it.  As I’ve said many times throughout these pages of ours, that’s actually nothing to be afraid of as an artist – you should embrace that as the opportunity that it truly is.  More often than not, you’ve gotta ride out the storm & wait for the masses to catch onto what you’re creating, but at the end of the day, doing things differently definitely gets you noticed, and it’s usually for something that becomes quickly memorable for one reason or another.  You might not remember a single word from “sorrow in the air” when it’s all said and done, but you won’t forget the moment that you first saw lil Margaret & definitely remember his name after watching this.

And there you have it…lil margaret’s been making all these lo-fi videos that look like you’ve stumbled onto someone’s whole catalog of the most random found footage.  And you betcha – a hell of a lot of this is intentionally strange, weird, and outright creepy – but listen to the off-kilter sampling of what sounds like the Halloween Soundtrack to form the music for “sorrow in the air” will ya?  Clearly lil margaret is more than comfortable thriving in his craft of making you uncomfortable…he’s carving out his own space in the scene, and he’s got a big ol’ fuckin’ knife to make that happen in more ways than one if need be.  Armed with a big bass beat bangin’ on the low-end of your subs, with words that are actually quite oddly poetic in lil margaret’s own bizarre lyricism…”sorrow in the air” is purposely perplexing from sight to sound, but like I said, you’ll probably remember checking this video out more than 99% of the things you stumble across out there on the internet.  Artists like lil margaret don’t just come along everyday…and ultimately, it’s what leads a lot of the more unique cats out there in the scene to their own cult following over time.  I ain’t saying that it’s gonna happen overnight…it usually takes a minute or two for anything different than the rest to catch on to say the least, but if you’re willing to stick with what you’re creating and you’ve got some patience…chances are you can create a career & some serious longevity to go with it.  “so here’s a toast to” lil margaret “pullin all these hoes” (collect the whole set yo!) and being unafraid to make music on his own terms…he’s in control of his creativity and doing things the way that he wants to do’em.  If the public digs it, then right on homie…and if they don’t…well…fuck’em!

Find out more about lil margaret from the official page at X:

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