LIL COKE – “Demons”

 LIL COKE – “Demons”

Catchy, rhythmic, gripping, personal, & real – rapper LIL COKE releases some “Demons” on his latest single.  Presented by Greatonfilms, the highly-stylistically shot & edited video for LIL COKE’s new cut perfectly complements the dark vibes and thematic threads that tie this track together.  From this wildly personal experience relayed over the mic and the conviction in this emcee’s voice that has you paying attention to every word he spits, you can easily hear and see that LIL COKE has what it takes to get to the top of the charts in the Rap game – it’s just a matter of whether or not those “Demons” of his are gonna try & drag him back down to hell or not.  Player stay up!  Dude’s got the talent…a track like “Demons” has you rooting for him to stay on the path he’s on & keep rappin’ – check it out!


"I’m passionate about what I do, and just as passionate about what YOU do. Together, we can get your music into the hands of the people that should have it. Let’s create something incredible."

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