Lella Daniels – “For You”

 Lella Daniels – “For You”

Lella Daniels – “For You” – Single Release/Review

Definitely digging what I’m hearing from Swedish singer/songwriter Lella Daniels on this new single “For You” – she’s got an exceptional voice that makes every moment of this song burst at the seams with the amount of bold emotion she’s able to pack into each word she sings.

In my opinion, “For You” really comes down to style and execution.  Style in the sense that, Lella brings a wonderfully confident performance in how she sings – and considering the fragility of the emotions, themes, and situations she’s singing about, you gotta admire that she sounds as strong as she does after being so close to breaking.  Execution in the sense that, the production & performance here give you exactly what your ears wanna hear – which is the sound of Lella giving this song everything it needs; no more, no less.  Highly minimalist in design, it’s up to Daniels to pull this off – she’s got a few snaps, a bit of percussion, and a piano to back her up with a lil’ bit more sound swirling through the atmosphere at times, but ultimately, this comes down to the fact that Lella is emotionally invested into every word she’s singing with such notable sincerity…and that’s what really pulls us in close to listen.  What’s truly remarkable is that you won’t feel like there’s anything else at all needed in a track that really makes use of such a high degree of space within the sound – it’s the fact that Lella is so enchanting, expressive, and straight-up captivating in the way she performs “For You,” that you can’t possibly take your ears off this.



For real…Lella should be proud of a performance like she’s put into this tune.  All ears are on her…the music is a subtle but sparing support – while everything you’ll hear is remarkably beautiful and entirely well-played, it’s the vocals you’re guaranteed to notice the most when it comes to this new single from Daniels.  The star remains the star when it comes to “For You” – I don’t think there’s anything more you could have asked from Lella in how she sings this song, she gets the maximum potential in the writing to come alive.  I’m not gonna lie to ya – it’s not going to be one of the happiest songs you’re likely to hear this year – but even though a large portion of “For You” is spent in sadness, it’s not a song devoid of all hope either.  What you’ll find is that “For You” is a highly relatable, thought-provoking, and emotionally powerful song that’s capable of making you feel a great many things…and that it’s a single with the ability to speak just as strongly to the heart as it is to the mind…you’ll connect to this experience, because the way that Lella sings it creates a sensory adventure into your own thoughts & feelings as you listen to it.

From what I can tell & what I’ve seen online…”For You” is a release from the upcoming 714 EP by Lella Daniels, rumored to be dropping officially onto the internet on June 14th this year.  You can already find the previous single “Lost In Your Lies” available online – and after everything I’ve heard here on “For You” – I’d highly recommend that you check that out as well.  Lella Daniels should be on your radar and on your playlists for sure…she’s got an outstanding voice and material designed to truly move you.

Find out more about Lella Daniels at her official page at Facebook here:  https://www.facebook.com/lelladaniels

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