Kung Fu Jesus – “Shine A Light”

Kung Fu Jesus – “Shine A Light” – Video/Single Review
Kung Fu Jesus – where have you been all my life?
I’ll say this for certain…you’d find me in church a heck of a lot more often if it all looked like what we see in the tripped-out & vibrant visuals of his new single “Shine A Light” – this is 100% extraordinary!
Seriously…I wanna give this guy a high-freakin’ five for the effort that’s been put in here…I honestly don’t know what there is to not be like, massively excited about when it comes to how this video AND song have come out…this is what it really takes to make that impact and get noticed out there in the land of the internet. “Shine A Light” is incredibly stylistic in its ideas, brilliant in its combinations of audio/visual and completely brand-new – this new song from Kung Fu Jesus officially came out TODAY – the lead single from the latest album called The Kantele Tapes. So dig it – this is as fresh as it gets – check it out!
Tough to even know where to start here…let’s talk about the video first. I say that because the easygoing & chilled out vibe in the music is fantastic yes; but without the video would likely be a tougher sell. The complementary way that these visuals assist the song will straight-up leave you speechless. That being said, the opposite situation is equally true…this would be a spectacular video even if it was a silent movie…but the addition of the music from Kung Fu Jesus turns this entire entity as a whole into an unforgettable experience for both your eyes and your ears. The video is LOADED with incredible colors, movements and imagery; from the Tiki-dude dancing up a storm to the light-mapping sequences in the dark, the wild animation and the stunning scenes you’ll see – Kung Fu Jesus has definitely got himself a combination of sight & sound that cannot possibly be ignored. Huge credit to Prashanth the video-editor behind “Shine A Light” – he has done a mind-blowing job of bringing this song to the screen and maximized every second’s worth of time in what we see. Everything is timed-out, edited, sequenced and assembled in cosmic & fantastical ways that echo the sentiment of the lyrics, giving astounding insight and clarity to the ideas and concepts put forth through the words.
Alright…I’m just gonna say it as straight-up as I can for you – this is perfection.
Kung Fu Jesus is onto something strong here. In my opinion, he’s almost sounding like something close to what you’d get if you crossed The Boxer Rebellion, The National and some Gorillaz perhaps into the mix…on “Shine A Light” you get that combination of smooth-flowing melody, strong connection between the lyrics and tone of the music and enough emotional depth to the vocals to make it all sound incredibly imaginative but real & believable. Kung Fu Jesus clearly lives and thrives in environments like this one – and from the invitational sound to the lyrics and music it’s also being made clear that it’s cool for us all to join in on the experience. LOVE the vocals of Kung Fu Jesus, aka Craig Snape, and the way this dude sings…those warm, welcoming tones are extremely enticing to the ear and widely accessible to all. The music itself is lively, built from smart electro sounds and expertly structured – you can trust in Kung Fu Jesus to provide you with a soul-soothing, mind-expanding journey for everyone to enjoy on “Shine A Light.” Those bass-rhythms! Can’t forget those bass-rhythms! Between those, the clever effects on the backing vocals, and atmospheric elements in the music…I mean…it’s seriously ALL HERE.
Try to tell me I’m wrong and all I’m going to do is just turn this up louder until I tune you right out. “Shine A Light” is right where I’m at…this single’s stunning audio and otherworldly visuals are pretty much everything I want to see, all day, every day. Kung Fu Jesus should be enormously proud of this one…the song is awesome, the video is spectacular – and combined together, they make everything about “Shine A Light” have the powerful impact an effort like this truly deserves to make. I will rant and rave about this song for days and days and days to come – I think this is absolutely brilliant wall-to-wall.
And believe it or not…apparently we’ll even be able to get our hands on an official Kung Fu Jesus game app coming out for IOS and Android soon! Not even kidding – it’s been in development for months! It’ll go great with the Kung Fu Jesus lunchbox you have, the Kung Fu Jesus blanket, the Kung Fu Jesus kickass bottles of holy water, the Kung Fu Jesus water with holes in it…you get the idea…ALL THINGS KUNG FU JESUS are coming soon enough!
Serious about that app though…keep your eyes peeled for that.
Find out more from the official Kung Fu Jesus page at the official pages below!
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