Klacc1315 – “My Way” Feat. 4nUptheScx / “Klacc & Mudd” Feat. Muddy Kasino & Boogotti Kasino

Klacc1315 – “My Way” Feat. 4nUptheScx / “Klacc & Mudd” Feat. Muddy Kasino & Boogotti Kasino – Singles Review
Brought to you exclusively by N.T.A Records – if you’re into your Trap y’all, pay attention to what artist Klacc1315 is cookin’ up for ya. “I’m the real deal, no opponents,” as you’ll hear for yourself on the single “My Way” featuring 4nUptheScx – I mean…surely no one would make such a claim without at least having some skills to back that up, right? Klacc1315 rocks a style of Trap that’s so deep it’s proudly still in the trenches, in the dark of the shadows, in the sonic depths of the underground…you get it. What’s more important, at least in my opinion, is that for Trap – you can hear Klacc1315 has the kind of versatility that stands out between these two tracks alone. If there’s been one consistent knock against the genre throughout the years from critics, it’s simply that the sound of it all has been TOO consistent, you feel me? It’s been criticism that rails against how similar things can be from track to track – but right here, you’ve got the man proving Trap can be more versatile than you probably think it can be, and as a result, Klacc1315 and his crew of collaborators reveal that there’s more to the genre than meets the eye. Let’s be real here – Trap is still a relatively NEW genre compared to most…but in a short time, it’s already been calling out for real innovators to stand up and take it to another level…Klacc1315 is making a solid bid to be the man that can make that happen. With the lowest-of-low voices and a smooth, slow delivery, “My Way” comes drippin’ through your speakers with designer sound & smart effects being used. Clear in the delivery – you can get to these lyrics and hear where Klacc1315 & 4nUptheScx are coming from – “My Way” is gritty but stylistic, slick but still raw, and the kind of cut that definitely has a whole vibe you’ll remember hearing the next time you spin it again. Identity in music is a priceless thing to begin with, but as I’ve already explained, hearing it in Trap is even that much more crucial in setting you apart from anything else that’s out there – and after listening to “My Way,” I felt like I’d probably never have a problem picking Klacc1315 out of a lineup of songs without looking to see the titles & such. Dude’s got a real sound of his own, and even though there’s miles of difference between what you’ll hear on “My Way” and this other track I’ve got in the mix called “Klacc & Mudd” – you’ll know who it is you’re listening to in both scenarios. As time goes on, trust me when I tell ya…that’s a huge advantage. Highly effective beat & music on “My Way” that sounds dangerous & all kinds of serious – like I said, the people out there will remember hearing a track like this one…ultimately, that’s extremely crucial to his success going forward & having people come back to check out what Klacc1315 is up to next with N.T.A.
The man’s been workin’ the mic full time for sure – you can see he’s put out multiple records so far between last year and this year alone, three albums, an EP & single…I’d imagine he’s already cookin’ up even more in the studio lab to keep ya entertained in 2022…you wanna keep Klacc1315 & N.T.A on your radar y’all. Whereas “My Way” came off the Top Boy 1315 EP from last year, this second cut I’ve got on my playlist called “Klacc & Mudd” comes from his album Convict Turn C.E.O – check this out below y’all.
Of the two tracks I’ve got here, I suppose it’s fair to say I’m that much more into this second one – I felt like “Klacc & Mudd” gives you that much more insight into WHO Klacc1315 IS and what he’s really all about – make sense? For some of us, that matters…for others, you just want something worth turning UP, and in that respect, either of these cuts would qualify, but I’d still wager a bet that “Klacc & Mudd” has more widespread appeal to it. That’s no knock against “My Way” – that cut simply flexes a more stylistically based vibe that probably appeals to a more specific audience, as opposed to a track like “Klacc & Mudd” that has more potential in its crossover vibe. With Boogotti Kasino & Muddy Kasino fearlessly backing him up & trading the mic with the main star of the show, you also get more of a sense of how connected the N.T.A family really is…they’re settin’ up the table so everyone eats, you following? But yeah…accessibility is always a solid asset to display, and I’d say that “Klacc & Mudd” has that much more of that than “My Way” did beforehand…both quality cuts, just a case of one that stands a better chance of reaching an even larger audience in my opinion. To me, “Klacc & Mudd” has everything the people out there that love great Trap are seeking out…they want personality, authenticity, and true grit on the m-i-c – and there’s no doubt that’s exactly what Klacc1315, Boogotti, and Muddy are bringin’ to ya on this single. Combined with that larger-than-life bass-driven beat…you can visually SEE the authenticity in an artist like Klacc1315 in the video, every bit as much as you can hear it in the song itself – again…to me, this kind of stuff seriously matters and makes all the difference when it comes to what I listen to, and I know I’m not alone in that. Us listeners…we’re not asking for much, we just want the REAL – and after seeing the video & checking out these two tracks from Klacc1315, there’s no doubt the man is as real as it gets. He’s in this business for a reason, and putting everything he’s got into it – it might be early on into his career still, but if he keeps focusing on the versatility every bit as much as the accessibility like he has on “Klacc & Mudd,” he’s got every chance of going the distance and bringing the whole N.T.A crew along with him. This cut’s a highly addictive collaboration and a great sign of what Klacc1315 & N.T.A are capable of – they’re putting in the kind of work that’s bound to make some noise.
Listen to Klacc1315 at Apple Music: https://music.apple.com/us/artist/klacc1315/1577817665
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