KESSELHAUT – “Girl Behind The Mask”

KESSELHAUT – “Girl Behind The Mask” – Music Video Post
Lemme tell ya folks…if the show BERND BRIDGES is even half as entertaining as this song by KESSELHAUT pulled from its soundtrack is, you are all in for one serious treat! “Girl Behind The Mask” is all kinds of fun to listen to – and from what I understand, the video here features both Adam Kesselhaut in addition to the dark comedy’s titular character, Bernd Korz. What I can tell you for certain is this – I want a WHOLE LOT MORE of what’s goin’ on here – “Girl Behind The Mask” is one seriously rad jam y’all!
Absolutely stellar stuff all-around…I love the look of the video, I’m completely addicted to the song, and from all the details I’ve read surrounding BERND BRIDGES, it all sounds like it’d be right up my alley and likely yours as well. KESSELHAUT is KESSEL-HOT y’all! This single/video is guaranteed to scorch its way straight up the charts to number one and the top spots on your playlists – “Girl Behind The Mask” is the perfect way to introduce & advertise the existence of a brand-new show that it sounds like we should all be watching. I know this experience sold it for me – I completely want in on whatever it is that Bernd & Adam are up to – “Girl Behind The Mask” sounds fantastic, and I can’t wait to see what the show is like!
Find more music from the soundtrack of BERND BRIDGES at Soundcloud here:
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