Kaiwyn – “You’re My Kind”

Kaiwyn – “You’re My Kind” – Music Video Post
Kaiwyn seems like a genuinely nice guy, you know?
You get a sense of what sincerity looks like in an artist or band if you’ve been as immersed in the music scene as I have been throughout the years, and it’s pretty clear to me that Kaiwyn’s got nothing but the best of intentions when it comes to life and love. After seeing the latest video he’s put out to support his single “You’re My Kind,” how could anyone conclude anything otherwise? He’s got a big heart!
Incidentally, from what I’ve read in his biography and pieces of information about the guy online, it sounds like Kaiwyn knows more about the heart than most folks ever will, given that he’s spent years training as a medical professional too – so how’s that for a fun fact for ya? Not only does he have a whole lot of heart as an artist himself, he might just know exactly how to fix one too if he needs to.
And so we enter into the theme of “You’re My Kind,” which is actually all about that, though perhaps on more of a metaphorical level. We see Kaiwyn sitting on the couch, reminiscing over a love we have to assume is now in the past as he looks at pictures of the good times they spent together. You can see that he’s not happy about losing the girl of his dreams, and that he’s wrestling with the information still as we meet him in this video, asking himself many of the questions we all do in post-breakup situation. Could he have done more? Could he have revealed his emotions, thoughts, and feelings in a stronger way? Did he say I love you enough, or even at all? Did Kaiwyn have enough confidence in himself as a person to be able to love another? Just because things didn’t go right doesn’t mean that they were wrong to begin with – so how far would you go to get back the one you truly love if you had lost them?
“I thought I had ran out of time. I’m so dense that it is such a crime. What to do? Should I even try?” The video above for “You’re My Kind” proves that there’s always a reason to try, and that you should never give up on real love when you find it. Heck, you grab a megaphone if you can, and you let the whole world know that “You’re My Kind” if you get the opportunity…we get one life to live and one life to love, and if anything, this single is a sweet reminder about how we can’t ever let those precious seconds go to waste. Solid hooks with authentic sentiment, steady musicianship and vocals – I’d say that Kaiwyn’s gone beyond what most would do to prove the point he’s making about love and how we’re not always ready for it, or how we’re not always capable of recognizing just how strong it is while we’re experiencing it. Sometimes having that moment where you almost lose something once and for all gives you perspective in ways you’d never think you’d get it…and you see the light of how important certain things can be in making us who we are. “You’re My Kind” is about all these things and more – it’s about being ready to run after the one you love before they get away if you have to, it’s about recognizing how the faults of why things breakdown in relationships deserve a lot of introspection and honest objectivity, and it’s about making sure that you recognize what love really is before it’s too late. Essentially, it’s an anthem for the nearly heartbroken, and proof that there’s always time for a second chance to make things right. You might have to run, you might have to yell, you might have to put your love out there on public display for the entire world to see it and feel how you’re feeling – but never give up on it. Kaiwyn didn’t! Take a page out of his playbook and make sure the one YOU love knows it!
Find out more about Kaiwyn from this multi-link here: https://linktr.ee/kaiwyn
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