Justin Don – “Caffeine”

“Dunkin’ donuts like Shaq.” #facts
Sittin’ here with my extra large mug, starting up the ol’ music machine for the day, it only seemed fitting that I get some “Caffeine” in my system to get a brother’s Monday morning off on the right track, you feel me? Clickin’ on this cut from Justin Don was a stellar start to the day – the first spin dropped a colorful dose of his lo-fi melodic style built for the here & now of what’s happenin’ out there in the scene, and by about halfway through the second trip through this modern-day hybrid Hip-Hop/R&B/Folk combo, I was convinced I’d be every bit as addicted to “Caffeine” as Justin himself is. Ain’t no doubt that if you’ve been paying attention to what the people out there have been turning up on their stereos loud’n’proud over the past year or two, you’ll hear exactly why JD is gonna have no problem at all sliding right into the playlists of listeners all over the globe with such a sparkling melody & soulful mix of pure audio relevance. Supported with visuals that keep the personality of the man behind the m-i-c right there in the spotlight for all to see – you’ll watch Justin chillin’ in the water with inflatable hot-dogs raised up to the sky, skateboardin’ down the empty side streets, and lettin’ off the signature smoke-bombs you’ll find run through his catalog of videos online; we’re here for it all – this dude gets how to keep the vibes light, even while tackling serious subject matter & real emotions underneath its shiny surface & relentlessly catchy hooks. “Caffeine” is what the people WANT – and Justin Don is ready to deliver it hot & fresh – so cup up homies, and give this cut the proper spin it deserves!
As the man pours his heart out for ya through the melodic bars flowing through his latest single, you can’t help but connect quickly to this cut for the remarkable smoothness it has and how instantly the natural charisma & personality of Justin make an impression on ya. There’s no question whatsoever that he definitely knows he’s latched onto a huge hook with the chorus of “Caffeine” – but there’s no doubt in our ears about it either as we listen to it – this is the kind of single-worthy cut that’s guaranteed to have you singing along with JD almost instantaneously. To say I’m addicted to “Caffeine” on the regular, and now here in audible form, would be an understatement – this is that soulful bounce of colorful vibes you want to get your day movin’ y’all – JD’s absolutely crushin’ it on his latest cut.
If you were to ask this guy right here sippin’ his coffee and typin’ these words atcha this morning, I’d happily tell ya that Justin Don’s got himself a rightly addictive single that’ll have you fiendin’ for that next spin – I don’t know exactly what portion of his hit-count I’m personally responsible for at this point, but…well…I feel like it’d be significant representation – so far; I’ve got every intention of playing this cut a whole lot more over the future to come, and I’d imagine the majority of you out there are gonna feel the same. The genuine degree of accessibility and universal sound at work here is more than impressive – it’s gonna be the exact recipe for Justin’s success over time; dude’s 100% authentic and created one of the easiest to enjoy singles you’ll hear this year with “Caffeine.”
Find out more about Justin Don from his official homepage at: https://www.justindonmusic.com
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