Jusky – “Just Beautiful”

Start your day off with a whole bunch of radiant smiles and sweetness in sound – Jusky is here to provide ya with all that & more on his brand-new single “Just Beautiful.” With delicate & inviting vocals, Jusky shines in this combination of Pop/R&B from the microphone, while also celebrating what makes our shared humanity so special onscreen in the new video as he wanders through the city streets. It’s part love-song, part self-reflection, part devoted tribute to what truly inspires him – the gorgeous sentiment, emotions, and admiration run deep throughout the lyrics & work perfectly in tandem with the gentle sound of the music. The video for “Just Beautiful” is stocked full of heartwarming ideas that show how connected we all are to each other, and the song itself is loaded with the purest of intentions, messages, and meanings – and together, Jusky’s got himself a solid single that sincerely reaches out to touch the soul of everyone listening. He’s closing in quickly on ten-thousand views already, and the song’s barely been out for more than a month! Clearly he’s connecting swiftly to hearts & minds found around the globe – and YOU could be the next listener he leaves an impression on – have a look & a listen to the latest single “Just Beautiful” by Jusky below!
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