July – “Flatline”

Fundamentally, it’s what separates the good from the great when it comes to what makes Soul/Pop/R&B connect…and July has clearly got everything it takes to make music that’ll make an impact on the hearts & minds of the people out there. In fact, even though we’re here to rep his latest single/video for “Flatline,” after touring through a bunch of his cuts online, it’s been more than easy to see & hear that this man always brings his A-game when it comes time to hit record, and he clearly takes his time to put out a quality track for ya, visually & audibly…doesn’t matter what you’ll click on by July, you’ll see the dude’s got the voice, the material, and the juice it takes to make a memorable impression. “Flatline” reaches deep into the feels for seriously emotional content & thought-provoking lyricism that’ll have you digging into the recesses of your own mind to grab some sweet nostalgic memories of your own from those you’ve loved & lost. Ain’t no doubt that July’s latest cut is designed to weigh heavy on the heart, complete with a video that’s got him wandering around a graveyard…but if you’re really listening to the context, you’ll realize this whole track is based around love, respect, and genuinely missing the people no longer with us that have made us who we are. From the lead to the background, July puts in a remarkable performance that puts power & emphasis right where its needed most…and as a result, he ends up with a truly captivating cut that hits the mark for sincerity – from his tone of voice, technique, and talent combined, you can tell the man behind the mic feels every single word he’s singing…and because of that, so do we. Check it out for yourself – have a listen & a look at July’s “Flatline” below!
Find out more about July from the official pages below!
Instagram: https://instagram.com/julys_music
Twitter: https://twitter.com/julysmusic
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/julysmusic
Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/julysmusic
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/17RYIS3TFidOqTcD7qXPDa
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