Jordan Carroll – “You Know That I Know”

Jordan Carroll – “You Know That I Know” – Single Review
Back-to-back Jordan’s on the page! I feel like it’s 1997-98 up in here and we just took home a set of championship rings in Chicago for the stellar new music on the page today from the two Jordan’s we’ve discovered. First Jordan Paul and now Jordan Carroll…it seems like we can’t miss here in Jordan-land today! The comparisons end with the first-names alone; both have completely different style but from what I can hear they are both certainly bringing their very best to the studio. We’ve dealt with Jordan Paul earlier today – it’s time for the blues-rock infused music of the young & talented, soulful & smooth Jordan Carroll…read on!
Although it has a lot in common with the blues both lyrically and musically, “You Know That I Know” leans heavily on an understated pop-rhythm that glides this song fluidly throughout. Vocally…while the song is based in a more groove-rock style, Jordan actually reminds me of singers outside of the genre like Esthero…kind of like that somehow mixed in with a little John Mayer and a little Jonny Lang…that kinda sound…don’t tell me you weren’t thinking the same thing! And YES…I know Esthero is a female-lead…I’m not saying anything regarding the sound, tone or gender so much as it’s a comment on the stylistic way that Jordan approaches his words, and how perfectly he’s put them.
Undeniably, this is a fine, fine rhythm. “You Know That I Know” is played tightly, sung extremely well, and overall has a real flavour to it. You can audibly hear the entertainer in him…Jordan was clearly a born entertainer and has no problem at all letting his full range soar from low to high & back again – the young man has got himself a powerful set of vocal-chords, there’s no doubt.
And while we’re on the anatomy-type-subject…LUNG CAPACITY too…this guy must be able to take in the air of a jetliner to belt it out like he does towards the end of this new single. It’s a complete pleasure to listen to the raw, real & unrestrained performance he puts in here…Jordan hasn’t held a thing back in singing on “You Know That I Know.”
Guitar is a standout for an excellent riff & solid groove that drives the song forward outside of the chilled-out verse rhythms and into the chorus. Complex timing and structure allow for entertaining dynamics throughout “You Know That I Know” and it’s all delivered powerfully, confidently and with the precision of a pro that’s been doing this for years upon years. As excellent as that guitar & surrounding drums and bass can be…the star of the show is certainly Carroll’s voice…to think that with even more time & experience he’ll get even better is already a mind-blower; over time he will become a very formidable monster in the vocal department. Easily already able to hold his own and compete with some of the very best & most confident voices in rock on a talent-level; as he continues to refine his sound, style and skills…seriously…this guy is going to become a true force to be reckoned with.
So if you’ve got him opening for you…I’m just saying to you ‘closing bands’ – you better put in one hell of a performance after this guy takes the stage if you want a chance at being remembered because Jordan Carroll is clearly going to BRING IT each and every time. I really dig & respect the approach he has to this song – he’s done everything right without making the smoothness of this vibe sound arrogant or cocky – he’s actually done the opposite and created an extremely inviting rhythm & groove that will pull you right in through a stunningly passionate & powerful execution from production to performance.
Very interested to see what Jordan Carroll might do for this genre of blues-rock and how he’ll set himself apart from the rest in the years to come. Talent like this won’t stay unrecognized for long – and this entire genre needs a new champion right now. We might have just found him.
Find out more about my thoughts on Jordan Carroll and his latest single “You Know That I Know” on September 10th when SBS Live This Week returns again to the screen. We’ll have Jordan Carroll in the spotlight to reveal a bunch of stuff that I didn’t mention here in the review today – so make sure to keep your eyes on our Facebook & Twitter pages so you’re the first to know when it pops online this Thursday night! See you there!
For now, you can find out some information on your own about Jordan Carroll and what he’s up to here at his official pages – this talented dude can be found EVERYWHERE online, just look below!
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