JonPaul Wallace – “321”

JonPaul Wallace – “321” – Music Video Post
“I’m replacing all the worst times with all of the first times.” #HeckYeah!
Lemme be real with ya folks…I’d have to count to be sure, but I feel like after having a healthy spin through JonPaul Wallace’s new single “321,” it’s fair to say that almost every single line you hear is highly quotable, inspiring, and insightful. “321” is a song about livin’ some LIFE y’all…and you know that no matter who you are and what you’ve been up to, you can STILL squeeze a bit more into every day, right? Not only does JonPaul seem like he’s got the right plans for the future ahead, he sure makes them all sound good too. With universally appealing vibes that are guaranteed to lead ya straight into the better days ahead – “321” is the breath of fresh air y’all need to make those good times, great times.
You see? You hear? You just FEEL good for having this experience with JonPaul’s music, don’t ya? According to the man himself, “321” is “about recognizing that your time is limited on this earth and wanting to make the most out of it.” That’s sentiment I can get behind, and I’m clearly not alone in that – his video has been rackin’ up hits, views, and major traffic already at a steady & impressive clip from the date of its official release only days ago back at YouTube this summer at the end of July, and a track like this will prove to be timeless as the years go by. How do I know that? How could it NOT be!?! The idea that we can be livin’ life and lovin’ every minute of it as we do should be an idea that never gets old with any of us…and I highly suspect that “321” will continue attracting attention throughout this summer and well into the future, as the true anthem that echoes the real spirit of our humanity. It’s catchy as it gets, it’s got a great video to support it, JonPaul is as charismatic as he is charming, and the song itself is substantially meaningful – “321” is the kind of cut that’ll help restore the batteries in your soul & give you that good-good energy for the days ahead.
Co-written with the legendary talents of Matt Geroux down in Nashville, with the video expertly shot by the professionals at Black Label Media & edited by Frankie Jason Turner – JonPaul Wallace has got a new single strong enough to become a permanent part of the soundtrack of your life – turn this UP & enjoy!
Find out more about JonPaul Wallace at his official pages below!
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