Joni Baseball – “Just My Luck”

Perhaps the greatest comment ever comes along with this video/single from artist Joni Baseball…in his own way, he’s described the essence of this new video perfectly – it reads: “I should be studying for finals.”
I mean, hell, I’m sure he ain’t wrong – but who would want to do that when you could do THIS instead? Put it to you this way…to have that quote from Joni in the back of your mind…and to see how much FUN is being had instead of studying, right there in his room onscreen, bustin’ moves in his bedroom rather than crackin’ the books…like c’mon people, you KNOW he’s making the right life-choices here, no matter what those results say at the end of his finals. Because the final-verdict on this video for “Just My Luck” is that the people watching & listening ain’t gonna be able to help themselves…this is an addictive amount of fun for people to enjoy, straight-up! He’s wild’n’out for sure, but if you can somehow get through the video for this single without crackin’ a smile, you’re made of steel. Get into the video, get into the vibe – check out what Joni Baseball brings to the game through his latest cut “Just My Luck” below!
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