Jonathan DesVerney – “You” Feat. C3

Absolutely stellar stuff from Jonathan DesVerney & C3 combined here on the brand-new single “You” – if you tuned in to the most recent episode of the SBS Podcast, you’d have heard me talking all about the devout pursuits of the man behind the music and his faith-based leadership. As promised, we’re back here on our pages & channels to keep the momentum surging forward for a collaboration of talent that genuinely deserves the support for the vibrant & lively tribute track they’ve created for The Most High.
There’s a whole lot to love here, whether or not you’re religious yourself – that’s just the facts. From the sensational vocals that beam from the microphone, to the stellar production that radiates within the atmosphere of the spirited vibes in the music & beat – together, Jonathan DesVerney & C3 shine bright with catchy sound that proudly proclaims their faith from the lefts to the rights. Personally, I’m all about it – I’ve long maintained that if you do what you do, you commit, you dedicate yourself, and you hold nothing back in making the music you wanna make with absolutely everything you got, that no matter what genre, style, or sound you’re rocking with, I’m gonna be there right in your corner. I’m a fan of genuine effort and authenticity, what can I say? Jonathan and C3 have put plenty of both into “You” and a whole lot of heart & passion along with it…the results become an irresistible combination on this brand-new single, and I’ve got zero doubt about its potential to reach the masses out there with such sparkling sound on display. What you’re hearing folks…make no mistake…is a song that truly beams back the love that they have for God in the most sincere ways you’re likely to hear this year – or ever for that matter – check it out!
Supported by a video that embraces the expressive & stylistic side of the art with open arms, Jonathan & C3 have a full-on dance crew that are featured throughout the video, busting impressive moves on behalf of The Lord and definitely feeling that SPIRIT y’all! Not only are they feeling it, but that positive energy has no problem whatsoever connecting straight to your soul as you listen & watch – they’ve got a wonderfully unified vibe goin’ on from sight to sound on “You.” Superbly coordinated & professionally choreographed, with quick & clever cuts in the video that keep the scenes moving as sleekly as the dancers onscreen do, everything you’ll see & hear has undeniably universal entertainment value, in addition to the devout messages that “You” shares & carries at its core. This translates…this connects – I maintain…when you’re this passionate about the music you make, you’ll pull people in from all over the place & listeners from all over the world…there’s an energy here in what they’ve created on “You” that makes you wanna stand up & cheer them on, just as much as sing along with the hooks every time. It’s fun, it’s catchy, it’s cool, and it’s committed to the messages faith & tributary praise with confidence and stunning sound designed to be enjoyed by everyone listening – it’s pretty hard to argue with results like that! Plus, there’s no reason to want to – Jonathan & C3 have supplied a single-worthy song that’s well worth your time & proudly represents the sheer strength of their faith & devotion in beautiful ways.
It’s faith-based music that connects, straight-up – and I think a ton of people out there are going to really appreciate having a song like this that’s got such an uplifting vibe & relevant sound. Combined with the video expertly directed by VN and the spectacularly stylistic moves you’ll see being made on screen, there’s no doubt they’ve got a winning collaboration goin’ on from the speakers to the screen. Make sure to find out more about Jonathan DesVerney and what he’s doing to build the faith-based community through his music, his channel, and his leadership online – and of course, the most recent episode of the SBS Podcast as well! He’s a man on a mission, out there working hard, doing The Lord’s work, and in the process, he’s proudly bringing His message to the people wherever he goes, always.
Learn more about Jonathan DesVerney & hear his music from the official links below!
Apple Music:
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