Jillisa René – “I Know A Place”

Jillisa René – “I Know A Place” – Single Review
It’d be hard to argue against a song with the kind of sentiment and sweetness that this new single from artist Jillisa René provides, and y’all know me…I don’t just start battles when they’re not justified. Not only does she have herself a beautiful song that’s soul soothing, gentle, and filled with positivity, but she’s got a gorgeous video to go along with it, that is completely stocked with stunning scenery surrounding the main star of the show. René’s latest song emphasizes how love is the light and the pathway forward for us all – we’d have to be a little bit crazy to try and argue against that, right?
From what I understand, she’s arrived on our Canadian-based pages all the way from Barbados. For those of you out there that have been lucky enough to vacation in such an incredible spot, or have a familiarity with what music tends to sound like in the Carribean or other island-like areas, you’ll hear how that whole vibe plays a role in a song like “I Know A Place.” I wouldn’t go as far as to say that it directly sounds like something you’d hear at a tourist resort built for your rest and relaxation, but it’s also not too far removed from that either. You might very well hear something like “I Know A Place” while you’re in a spa, or treating yourself to a little of that self-care you deserve, know what I mean? Songs like Jillisa are singing here, are designed to help rejuvenate your spirit and help refresh your mind, body, and soul. You have to admire the seamless way that her single has come out in that regard – any track that is intended to relax and soothe the masses truly only works if the results are flawless, and that’s what René provides you with on “I Know A Place.” She’s graceful, enchanting, sweet, and sincere – all qualities that seem to easily transmit through her music straight through to any set of ears listening out there.
I don’t really have any criticism for her, because I don’t really think there’s anything that was left out of this single or feel like anything could have been done any better than what we experience in the song or video from sight to sound. I think there are always potential limitations for how far a song can go to a degree, or where you might find a song being played…and that’s probably something that René should at least be prepared for. You could look at a song like “I Know A Place” as a form of gentle Soul, or light & dreamy Pop of sorts, but really we’re looking at a single that’ll more likely find itself in the Adult Contemporary section most frequently…and admittedly, that can be a much tougher sell to people right now. That being said, as it’s a completely inoffensive style of music, Jillisa might just find that her song is able to fit in more places throughout society as a result of something like “I Know A Place” being able to be played anywhere in public, which can be a huge advantage in getting the word on music to spread. You might hear a song like “I Know A Place” at weddings, on an airplane, in the lineup at the bank, roaming through your favorite department stores – the list could go on & on & on and that’s the point – you could play this song anywhere without the fear of offending anyone with such pleasant sound, intentions, lyricism and vibes on display. So while it’s easy to say that a delicate single like this might potentially have a tougher time reaching the audience she’s seeking out or helping Jillisa establish her presence on your playlist, she still has multiple advantages working in her favor when it comes to getting a song like this to travel the globe in a variety of other ways from soundtracks, to playing on information channels, or even becoming part of a musical – the latter of which might be the real goal for a song such as this. You get what I’m saying I’m sure; it’s not exactly a typical single, but there are plenty of places for a song like “I Know A Place” to make an impact and thrive out there in this scene we share. You factor in the incredible visuals of the video that she’s got supporting this song, and you realize she might very well have the next anthem for tourism.
So…yeah…no complaints from me here y’all – I feel like Jillisa gave this song a wonderful performance that she should be proud of, and words that she can completely stand behind proudly. She’s got an undeniably gorgeous voice, she sings with strength, conviction, and purpose…and I feel like she’s given herself a genuine shot at winning over the hearts & minds listening around the globe with “I Know A Place” through the audible perfection, vocal charm, and professional poise that she’s put into her brand-new single.
Find out more about Jillisa René from this multi-link right here: https://linktr.ee/jillisarene
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