Jake Inzerra – “Fashion Of Love”

Stylistic sounds and massively catchy hooks have singer/songwriter/artist Jake Inzerra embracing the spotlight and making the most of every moment on his new single “Fashion Of Love.” Designed to provide you with an uplifting & vibrantly empowering vibe, Jake completely supplies; he’s got incredibly smart hooks in the chorus and flashes a ton of rhythmically sweet tones & technique all throughout his latest tune. With professionally smooth vocals and a gentle synth groove giving him all the right dynamics in the structure of the song to spring off of when he’s on the mic, Inzerra sounds right into every second of “Fashion Of Love” and puts in a remarkably shiny & skillful performance that shows he can absolutely make the words come alive. He’s got the passion for fashion y’all – the “Fashion Of Love” that is – join Jake on his stroll down the runway to success in 2019 and have a look/listen to the lyric-video supporting his new single below!
Find out more about Jake Inzerra at his official website at: https://www.jakeinzerra.com
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