Jahganjah – “Hard BreakSynth Style”

Jahganjah – “Hard BreakSynth Style” – Music Video/Single Release
Dig this party people! If you’re up late turning your Friday night into a Saturday morning, keep the volume turned up and check this new single/video from electro-artist Jahganjah out. Fresh as it gets and just posted up only days ago – “Hard BreakSynth Style” is a wild ride through stunning editing & vibrant sounds, all assembled into a structure that truly evolves in captivating ways designed to grab your attention by the ears through the music and the eyes through a brand-new video to support it.
Making excellent use of edgy & innovative percussive rhythms and drum-patterns with bright bursts of dynamic synth sounds, beautiful piano tones and all kinds of electro-elements floating through the atmosphere, “Hard BreakSynth Style” subtly snags your interest through its innovative and inventive combinations as it builds an incredible beat piece-by-piece from the ground up. Jahganjah displays a high-level of skill through the way this track not only sounds, but the amazing attention to each individual detail put into each moment of the song to get the maximum experience. It all quickly builds into a full-strength dose of electro-intensity you won’t want to miss out on – click on the video for “Hard BreakSynth Style” below and check it out for yourself!
There you go, there you have it, and there it is – a hot video to go with a hot song. Released by the Atacama Beats record label – a home that’s dedicated to showcasing the talents of electro-artists from around the globe – they’ve definitely got an act with tremendous skill and a genuine ear for entertainment with Jahganjah. “Hard BreakSynth Style” keeps the energy flowing perfectly inside of its three-minutes in length through a composition that evolves and expands with real style & commitment to great sound.
Find out more about Jahganjah and the Atacama Beats label at the links below!
Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/atacamabeats
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCP5MKVV1LOdOZBixjOdGjOA
DJTunes: http://www.djtunes.com/label/atacama-beats
Deezer: http://www.deezer.com/us/artist/13073955
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