Jack Ryan – “Just Want To Talk”

Lemme tell ya folks…it’s super-rare to find a song as easy to like or love as this one is.
Give it up for Jack Ryan! The lighthearted vibes he’s got goin’ on throughout his single “Just Want To Talk” has the exact kind of immaculately smooth flow to it that leads to a shiny & spectacularly accessible sound that was completely designed to be turned up to turn good times quickly into great ones. For real – words won’t justify just how much appeal a track like “Just Want To Talk” truly pump out at ya…the best thing you can do for YOU and your ears is give this new single from JR a spin…or better yet, several. Believe me when I say, you won’t be alone when you do – you can see from the mightily impressive hits nearing their way towards the 100K mark from all the people out there listening and digging on this new song from Jack, and from the sheer amount of stunningly catchy hooks coming from both the music & vocals on this single…I’d say it’s also safe to say you’ll see that number continue to rise steadily over these years to follow. If you’ve got a connection like Jack Ryan has to the music he’s making, you’re bound to make the most of it every time – the natural & organic magic in the melody he’s rockin’ on “Just Want To Talk” hits the sweet-spot completely with true single-worthy sound – check it out for yourself below!
Find out more about Jack Ryan from his official homepage at: http://jackryantunes.com
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