J.am.i – “Do Or Die”

Rapping with tremendous precision, rhythm, & skill – J.am.i brings the energy to the bars, flexing fresh verbal talent & spittin’ out truths left & right on his new single “Do Or Die.” With memorable hooks to fuel the chorus – the balance on this cut is impeccable and gets you listening quickly through a clever mix of versatile sound that reaches into rap, hip-hop, R&B, and straight-up club style to establish its impact. Beyond that – take a serious listen to his words, because J.am.i’s got a ton of insightful social commentary going on in amongst his own personal tale – he’s writing important stuff…you know – REAL hip-hop. I know my ears appreciate that – yours will too. So check the results out for yourself yo – have a click on the video for “Do Or Die” by J.am.i below and get yourself a sample of what this artist is capable of!
Find more music from J.am.i at his official page at Soundcloud here: https://soundcloud.com/jefflyzone
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