In Case Of Elimination – “Partner In Crime”

In Case Of Elimination – “Partner In Crime” – Single Review
I feel seen!
Every so often, a track or two will come my way that feels like it was completely made for my ears. I’m sure you can relate, right? It’s the sound of instant appeal…of zero resistance…of no hesitation…you just know that what you’re listening to feels like it was meant to be part of the soundtrack of your LIFE. That’s what it felt like to listen to “Partner In Crime” by In Case Of Elimination for me personally.
Don’t get me wrong…I’m never gonna be the guy that tells you directly we all have to feel the exact same way about anything I happen to talk about on these pages of ours – but c’mon y’all…if you don’t like or love what you’re hearing in this single, then you’re kinda dead inside aren’t ya? “Partner In Crime” is straight-up exceptional if you ask me…it’s vibrant, lively, and brilliantly executed, full stop.
From what I can tell after a little bit of digging around on the ol’ internet machine, there’s a reason that In Case Of Elimination sounds as ready to roll as it does here in 2024…which traces back to the roots of a project that has been in the works for quite a number of years. You can go by the story that the online biography will tell ya, which is that the man behind the music of In Case Of Elimination, aka I.C.E., has been inspired to make music from about the age of nine years old after seeing Jack Black in School Of Rock – which I’m sure is true…but it’s not the full story. If you’re savvy, and you know where to look, you’ll find that the actual first single of In Case Of Elimination came out nearly twelve years ago…it was called “Princess” – and it had quite a different sound than what you’ll find on “Partner In Crime.” Ahh the humble first steps towards the spotlight I tell ya…you gotta love how the internet preserves our history! Chances are, Alex of I.C.E. lost that previous password to a page from a very long time ago and was forced to start another now that he’s grown up, refined his talents, and looking to take a serious shot at making music his career…but I gotta say, “Princess” was actually a pleasant tune to listen to. It’s clearly a very early track and likely not even a part of what In Case Of Elimination does today, but it’s also proof that Alex had a knack for sincerity in his songwriting right from the get go based on what I heard…but make no mistake y’all – “Partner In Crime” highlights the monumental growth in his craft.
Clearly the sum of his influences now…you’ll draw an instant comparison to The Strokes when you listen to “Partner In Crime” – and a justified one at that. From there, you’ll probably expand the comparisons to include names like The Killers, maybe Keane…even a little David Bowie in there too perhaps – all of these pieces play a slight role in paving the way for an act like In Case Of Elimination to exist here today. The online bio will go on to include names like Arctic Monkeys, Muse, and Cage The Elephant…which I’m sure all play a part in inspiring Alex to create the music he does now…I just didn’t feel like those names were as much of a factor when we’re talking about comparable sounds in this particular single. In Case Of Elimination has a few more tunes out there already…and depending on where you’re looking, you’ll find that “Past Orion” and “Haunted” were released either last year in 2023, or in February of 2024. My internet sleuthing these days in unparalleled y’all…just sayin.’ Anyhow – after having a listen to “Partner In Crime,” you better believe I’m 100% stoked to check out anything and everything by I.C.E. – if any of it sounds anywhere close to what I’m hearing in this single, then I think I’ve found one of my new favorite bands. Not sure what to tell ya other than it’s the sound of The Strokes done right, without being a copy or feeling too derivative at all. Alex has got a great singing voice…he’s got an incredible grip on how to make music & a moment memorable…wild guitar solo and clearly an appreciation for stunning tones that’ll grab your attention, big freakin’ drums, and smart synth additions to fill in the background – “Partner In Crime” has got it all goin’ on in my opinion. The lyricism is on-point, the vocals are a perfect fit – AND…if you ask me, which apparently someone out there did, I’d tell ya that ALL of these great things probably take a backseat to his understanding of how to use a song’s dynamics to its benefit. LISTEN to the way this guy transitions from verse to chorus by letting those guitar notes ring out so brilliantly will ya? AMAZING. You combine that with the way that the low-key energy of the verses feed the fire of the more rambunctious energy you’ll find in the chorus of “Partner In Crime,” and I’m tellin’ ya folks…good ol’ Alex has supplied this single with absolutely everything it needs to succeed in being put on repeat in your speakers. I have only had “Partner In Crime” a relatively short amount of time of course, but I’ve practically played this song an embarrassing amount of times already if I’m being fully truthful with ya – I cannot get enough of it! If I could somehow put grooves into a digital tune like we do with vinyl records…I’d have already been able to see through my copy straight through to the other side!
The most you’re going to find me conceding to you is that there’s still likely another level for this Chicago-based project to reach in terms of production, but we’re practically splitting hairs…it’s freakin’ CLOSE to perfection already, and my ears are more than happy with what they’re hearing. At its most full, you can hear that it’s a battle to keep this tune under the red line and a little bit of an unpredictable rumble that slightly invades the song…but I feel like Alex has kept everything in the mix close enough to be as righteously addictive as this single becomes without anyone complaining substantially. I know I’m not complaining, I’m only observing…I think he’s got himself an absolutely killer cut on his hands with “Partner In Crime,” and I’ll be shouting from the rooftops about this song to anyone willing to listen to me. It’s relentlessly addictive, and though it’s still early into 2024, it’s one of the best tracks I’ve heard this year. In Case Of Elimination is a band you better get on your radar real damn quick, and definitely on your playlists…it’s only a matter of time before this dude surges straight to the top of the scene.
Find out more about In Case Of Elimination from the official page at Facebook at:
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