Hollow Zoo – “Never Do What You Say” / “Filth Box”

 Hollow Zoo – “Never Do What You Say” / “Filth Box”

Hollow Zoo – “Never Do What You Say” / “Filth Box” – Singles Review

I mean…if you’ve got an ounce of rebellion in ya, you should at least appreciate where Hollow Zoo is coming from.  I was almost surprised to find them breaking out of Las Vegas – as I listened to “Never Do What You Say,” I would have sworn they’re from right here in Canada where I’m located, based on how this last week has gone.  That’s just the thing though…oppression isn’t just coming from the USA.  It might be a very large contributor at the moment, but you’ll find oppression exists all over the globe in a variety of places, especially where governments and billionaires are found.  That’s what I really loved about the video for “Never Do What You Say” by Hollow Zoo – it doesn’t really target any one specific nation, so much as point out that the corruption and lies of government agencies have pervaded every shadowy corner of the globe.  Always has, and quite likely always will…I appreciate Hollow Zoo’s optimism amidst this smoldering display of rage – when they sing “I say we can choose a new way,” trust me when I say I WANT to believe them about that…but this system is motherfuckin’ ENTRENCHED yo!  I honestly don’t know that it can be broken without breaking the entire planet in the process.  Is that worth it in the end?  I’m not entirely sure or saying that it’s not worth taking a look at – I’ve long stated that there’s gotta be a little something more beneficial to us than this valley of malls that we’ve created.

What I like about “Never Do What You Say,” is that it’s an important song for the right here and now, no matter where you live.  Music & art have always documented what the REAL story is in our humanity and/or lack of it throughout history, and it’s tracks like “Never Do What You Say” that are a brutally honest reflection of the circumstances we’re currently facing/living through.  It’s essentially this generation’s “fuck you I won’t do what you tell me” – and hell yes, we need someone to shout that out to the powers that be…we need an anthem we can lock arms to and take back our streets with.  I ended up feeling like one of the simplest & straightforward observations they make was the most accurate, when they say “we know you lied to us” towards the beginning of “Never Do What You Say” – because that’s TRUE.  I think at this point, no matter which side of the aisle you might find yourself on, you’re feeling that way…you know that you haven’t been told the whole truth and nothing but the truth, and as a result, we’ve become justifiably skeptical of the system altogether…and rightly so.  Where I have a harder time, is with the ‘I’m just asking questions’ crowd…don’t get me wrong, I think it’s vitally important – but my problem with that entire mob, is that the questions they seem to want to ask seem to be the same things that folks with a brain in their head have already answered with common fucking sense.  You should ask questions…you should have questions…but fuck me, form some intelligent ones, please and thank you.  In any event, Hollow Zoo isn’t necessarily a part of that side of the argument – they encourage you to “always question, never follow blindly” – and I agree with the core sentiment of that message.  Most of the music and the vocals you’ll find on “Never Do What You Say” are likely going to be what you’d expect to accompany a healthy dose of skepticism and rage combined…but they’ll surprise you too – they start this single out with a beautifully cascading piano melody and a set of really smooth, soulful vocals to go along with it.  Then, like life itself, “Never Do What You Say” contorts into something much harsher as Hollow Zoo smashes through the illusion and all hell breaks loose.  I dig it though…it’s got smart songwriting, clever contrast, meaningful messages, and savagely rebellious spirit combined.  They’ve clearly got opinions and perspective they’re not afraid to express, and I respect that.  The more people speak up, the more “a new way” becomes less theoretical, and much more probable.  Overall, Hollow Zoo kind of reminds me of the band Earshot, with a powerful dose of KMFDM in the mix.

Anti-establishment tunes are out there in abundance, and again, justifiably so.  Where things become complex, is that they still need to be heard in order to get the message out there.  I listen to “Never Do What You Say,” and obviously, despite their stellar musicianship and creating an essentially flawless, gripping tune – I know the odds are stacked against them reaching the average everyday listener outside of the Metal/Alternative genres.  A degree or two of accessibility doesn’t necessarily have to water down their message, intentions, or purpose – and I feel like that’s the main shift you’ll find in “Filth Box.”  I ain’t gonna lie to ya – this track is fucking EXCITING y’all…if I liked what I heard in “Never Do What You Say,” I think it’s fair to say that I love what I hear in “Filth Box.”  I would love to know how the lead singer, in both tunes, manages to end up sounding like a hawk at some point along the way…or an eagle – I don’t know my bird sounds, but you get the point.  It’s wildly impressive really, and actually highly unique as well…I can’t recall ever hearing that sound from a singer in the past, and I don’t know how many of you have noticed, but I’ve heard a few tunes throughout my twenty-five-plus years dedicated to the music-scene.  Anyhow.  Hollow Zoo is nothing but killer, all the way through “Filth Box” – it’s a brilliant reveal of how much of a unified force they can be with their skills combined, and their level of professionalism is already at a point that is way beyond their time together as a band.  These guys are going places if they keep up the quality of their music and punishing degrees of innovation at the level they’ve got it at now – “Filth Box” is intense, melodic, cunningly crafted, and undeniably addictive to listen to.  They’ve got the right mix of energy and accessibility here, and it doesn’t detract from the band saying what they wanna say the way they wanna say it, or sounding hard as fuck at the very same time.  I think a lot of listeners out there would be surprised by how much they’d actually like a track that’s as on the Alt-Metal side of sound as “Filth Box” is, especially if that’s not their normal genre of choice.  I’m definitely advising you give Hollow Zoo a serious slice of your listening time though y’all…the way these dudes play with such commitment to the moment, and do all the right things that their songs are calling out for, is nothing short of perfection.  For real – I’ve got no notes for this crew…their musicianship is clearly killer, and their singer is straight-up wild, but all in a way that people will genuinely listen to.  As they make their way to their debut record TV Static & Hate, expect this band to pick up speed and a shit ton of fans along the way…there’s authenticity in what they’re creating, fueled by purpose & intent you can’t possibly fake, and an enormous sound that is large enough to stomp out your whole damn village.

Find out more about Hollow Zoo from their official website at:  https://hollow-zoo.com


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