HMO – “Hate Speech”

“Too much hate speech” – preach the good word homie, we feel ya on that for sure.
Much respect to HMO, the artist/producer busting out of the south coast of New South Wales, Australia – this is the kind of cut the world over really needs to hear & absorb right now. Unless you’ve been hiding under the biggest & most blissful rock out there somewhere, it’d be impossible to not notice just how heated things are politically, socially, and culturally at the moment – and HMO is doing what he can from NSW to help assist us all in understanding what needs to change in order for that better tomorrow to come. You know we love that kind of mission here – conscious Hip-Hop is always on our menu & on our playlists at sleepingbagstudios, and it’s artists like HMO that have us fully appreciating the many contributions that the music community brings to the multitude of important social issues affecting us all.
Perspective & context matter. Not only is a track like this essential for our evolution at-large, but having an artist like HMO bring awareness to his own country’s local issues rooted deep in systemic oppression & racism helps us all realize that the problems we face in our own hometowns extend so much further than we know, all over the world. We tend to see as far as the extent of our own backyard if we’re left to our own natural devices…having a dude like HMO create a cut that breaks us out of our own bubble to and helps us begin to understand just how far these issues spread out across the globe…it’s a selfless act and extremely important. Australia in particular, has all too much in common with where I come from here in Canada with respect to how its unfairly treated the First Nations culture in the past – and sadly enough, what HMO and many of us know, is that much of these social injustices & inequities still exist underneath the surface of the mainstream today – and we’re still miles away from where we should be in terms of wiping out antiquated, pervasive, and harmful policies that govern our countries.
“You’ve got to shut it down” as the main hook of the chorus on this single “Hate Speech” will tell ya – and that’s about as much of a verifiable call to action as you’re gonna hear out there this year – notice the way it’s worded…yes, HMO is talking about YOU. You, me, and everyone we know – we’re the people that have to rise up to shut it down and tackle these problems once & for all. Cleverly using the visuals in the video to highlight how the issues of racism and corrupt policies have led directly to the battles we see on the nightly news & outside our own front doors to this very day – “Hate Speech” is just as essential to understanding the problems we face as a society together as it is to reminding us sharply that we all play a significant role in how we can fix it. And yes…of course…with his passion about the subject, fluid flow on the m-i-c, a completely jammin’ & dynamic beat to support the boldness of his words, and a slick video that’s solidly edited with a full array of effects – “Hate Speech” is stocked full of important information, but also 100% entertaining. I’d be the last to say just throw it on and enjoy yourselves, though I’m sure you can do that too; I’m here & I exist to advocate on behalf of artists like HMO that write words we should be acting on, not just listening to. So let’s say this instead…use a track like “Hate Speech” in the soundtrack of your LIFE and to inspire your energy in a positive direction, as it’s intended to – absorb these words, & pay attention to the example being set y’all; HMO isn’t just talking about all this, he’s making videos, he’s writing songs – he IS about fixin’ this yo – and we should be too.
Do the right thing folks…listen to what the man’s got to say – and join him in the fight for change.
Find out more about HMO from the official website at:
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