Guy Junior – “Love Me Again”

Guy Junior – “Love Me Again” – Single Review
I’d definitely be encouraged to keep going if I was Guy Junior…there’s so much going right with his single “Love Me Again” that he could already teach some veterans of the game a thing or two, and considering that “Love Me Again” appears to be the man’s debut cut, that’s definitely saying something strong about his future ahead. I’m genuinely impressed by how fully complete this song is from start to finish, 100%.
I mean, let me put it to you this way – what would you suggest that Junior changes? If there’s something that he needed to adjust, you know that’s where critics like myself are always willing to call that out & make some recommendations…but there’s simply nothing on “Love Me Again” that he could have done any better, in my opinion. We can examine this piece by piece if you wanna – because I’m as confident as ever that I’m speaking nothing but the truth over here, so let’s settle this once and for all.
First of all…I suppose I’d say that it’s the hook that’s going to make the biggest impression on ya in those initial spins you put into “Love Me Again.” Not only is it incredibly memorable to the point where you’ll likely be singing along with it by the second time you hear it, but it sounds every bit as AWESOME too. So whether you’re talking about the vocal melody at the core of it, or the production itself, you’ll really find that it’s a win-win scenario here – Guy’s done the work, locked into the moment, and as a result, he’s got his best laid down here on this debut single. As far as the verses and bars are concerned, he spits with the kind of supreme fluidity, precision, and personality that makes the difference – the most you might find anyone conceding is that some of his references might be a little dated at this point, but I felt like it adds authenticity to the story behind the story…as in, his lyricism reflects who he is and where he’s come from. You might hear details that reference Nick & Mariah, Jay Z & Beyonce, Aaliyah, Kill Bill…hell, even Earth, Wind & Fire too, which is even further back for those of you that don’t know your music history as well…but again, so what? One of the greatest things about Guy’s music is that he’s telling you this story of heartbreak from HIS perspective…and given the fact that it covers some of his own history & whatnot, honestly it felt appropriate to have lyrical details that stretched back a bit to show how this whole tale takes place over a significant amount of time. The point is, I felt like it was no problem to go with it, and I felt like the details give us the opportunity to understand where he’s coming from – the references are cleverly added in, and overall, Guy certainly knows his way around the bars.
Like, let’s be real here, he’s even somehow worked in an “ahh-choo” into his words! How often do you find that happening, you feel me? Seems like it’s a small detail to mention, and it’s not a genuinely consequential moment in this song by any means…but at the same time, it speaks strongly on behalf of how Guy is paying attention to all the small details as well as the big ones as he steps into the spotlight with his brand-new single. If he continues to do that over the course of his career, he’s gonna be just fine & he’ll find his way to the tops of many playlists out there. From the lyricism you notice on the surface, to the extra details he’s added in through the personality you’ll find in his backing vocals as well – the man has put in the WORK, and it freakin’ matters y’all! This is how you go about making a lasting impact on the people listening out there, and it’s definitely the right way to go about bringing us back for another spin. Beyond all that good stuff, he’s got the right sincerity to go along with his words, which tells our ears that he’s truly spitting his words straight from the heart…and above all things, that’s probably going to be what gets the majority of people listening onboard, whether they realize that’s what it is, or not. You end up wanting to be on Guy’s side when you listen to this heartbreaking song he’s got here…you want things to work out for the man…you want him to find the happiness he deserves, because he’s really written “Love Me Again” from a very honest and humble perspective that’s real, raw, and completely unpretentious.
So yeah…I mean…all the right ingredients are here, and he’s flexing talent that a veteran of the game would be proud of from performance to production. I think the main hook is pretty much award-worthy if you ask me, and I’m confident that’ll quickly become what brings you back for a second spin through this song…and a third…and a fourth…and so on – you get it. Guy’s ultimately got a highly irresistible cut on his hands here, and to be real with ya, it speaks so strongly on its own behalf that it doesn’t really need a word from me to get your approval. You’ll put it on, you’ll listen, and you’ll know – simple as that. Junior’s got something special that so many just don’t have, and it’s gonna carry him a very long way in this music business. Like, if “Love Me Again” is where he’s starting out, then yo…his potential is virtually limitless, and there’s seriously no telling how far he could end up taking his career. No joke, no hyperbole – the man’s got an incredible level of skill in his songwriting, and he’s got the execution to rival it. As I’ve said so many times on these pages of ours, the more YOU that you put into YOUR songs, the more WE will respond to it…and there’s pretty much no better example of that in action than what you’ll find here on “Love Me Again.” It’s a fearless retelling of real-life experience that turns what was once only tragedy into triumph & the blueprint forward for his success as an artist, healing, and the future in front of him. Highly impressive stuff all around – there’s no question that Guy Junior belongs in the business and at the top of your playlists.
Stay connected to Guy Junior at his official page at Spotify here:
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